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Personal Guild


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I would like to see a mead hall were u can gather all of ur followers plenty of space and things for them to do like ur own personal guild even just the the building would be cool twecked followers can place them there dont have to worry about to much display just think smithing alcamy enchanting books shelf because they can intract with it basicly a mod for ur followers i would like it if i could tell them to live there but not nessasery get creative i would try to make it myself but the ck dont like me most of the time if u have any ? feel free to ask got loads of ideas and no way to put them to use. hold at least 35 followers i realize thats a big number but u cant tell me it wouldnt be cool to drop by ur guild and see all of ur followers and if u gave the ability to name the guild and building that would be great hope someone does this mode

Edited by lytas
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Uh, it's hard to understand what you mean, but, there is already a mod called 'my home is your home' that lets you have followers live wherever you want them to. You can choose some house and bring all your followers into it.

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ya but it dosent work with some modes and think just a large mead hall or inn with beds anything a npc can interact with and be able to form ur own guild in skyrim have it where u can name the building and the guild and like i siad before it would be cool to beable to recruit ur followers kinda like makeing them blades just at ur guild but like u said there are mod that let u move ur npcs/ just a followers guild mod is the best way i can explain it Edited by lytas
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