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What build do you play and why? Also for different races, any NPC reac


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Play a rogue they so deadly with daggers

nightglade = 2x sneak damage

dagger sneak damage up to 32x if ur good sneaker


with abony dagger with night glade u can do 6500 damge only 1 single hit easy dificult in legendery it is 65000

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I play a Craftsman. He's less concerned with which skill he uses to do the actual fighting -- poisoned blade, weak destruction spells juiced with deadly "Fortify Destruction" potions, whatever -- he just wants to survive.


His workshops are well-organized and his tools well-worn. He knows any workshop without a smelter is run by an amateur; a whole city without a smelter is a city of amateurs. This is how he knows the Stormcloaks will prevail.


He knows his alchemy reagents well enough to have them sorted into multiple containers.


He will never pick a Nirnroot except on Sarethi's farm, but mammoths ... the last plaintive snuffle of a dying mammoth is a sound that haunts him in his sleep. The slaughter, the gruesome wreckage of mammoth corpses piled on the stairs of the Lunar Forge ... the images are burned into his memory, things seen that cannot be unseen ...


His conception of "power" measures survivability. You're "powerful" if you can't be 1-shotted with either a warhammer or a deadly poison. Wuunferth more or less has the right of it; "power" is where it is, waiting to be found, whether slaving away at the forge or running to all corners doing favors for Mara.


Great heroes use their skills in death-defying feats of derring-do. Master Craftsmen use tools to solve problems. It's not as glamourous, but they do tend to live longer.

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I play a Craftsman. He's less concerned with which skill he uses to do the actual fighting -- poisoned blade, weak destruction spells juiced with deadly "Fortify Destruction" potions, whatever -- he just wants to survive.


His workshops are well-organized and his tools well-worn. He knows any workshop without a smelter is run by an amateur; a whole city without a smelter is a city of amateurs. This is how he knows the Stormcloaks will prevail.


He knows his alchemy reagents well enough to have them sorted into multiple containers.


He will never pick a Nirnroot except on Sarethi's farm, but mammoths ... the last plaintive snuffle of a dying mammoth is a sound that haunts him in his sleep. The slaughter, the gruesome wreckage of mammoth corpses piled on the stairs of the Lunar Forge ... the images are burned into his memory, things seen that cannot be unseen ...


His conception of "power" measures survivability. You're "powerful" if you can't be 1-shotted with either a warhammer or a deadly poison. Wuunferth more or less has the right of it; "power" is where it is, waiting to be found, whether slaving away at the forge or running to all corners doing favors for Mara.


Great heroes use their skills in death-defying feats of derring-do. Master Craftsmen use tools to solve problems. It's not as glamourous, but they do tend to live longer.

I hear you....I play a slow, patient, methodical Dovahkin, his survival is in his 'strategy'....He tends to remain rather squishy, but death very rarely finds him if at all in a game run...It's a slow game as he lays out every plan and strategy, every move and every tactic carefully constructed to ensure he walks away with his life and minimal risk...For such a build though the downside is he can't use Followers, their not so good at sticking to plans....:P...:D

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I'm playing a conjurer/barbarian. Fights usually start with me summoning a flame atronach and then a bound battle axe to charge with it into battle. I also wear light armor. (the elven one currently, despite me being a stormcloack^^ It just looks so nice with cabals retexture :biggrin:)

What's unique about this build is that I don't carry any weapons, I only use the bound ones. They are not overpowered and they have some nice effects if you have the related perks, so I'm fine with them.


When I play my khajiit assassin I usually get some race related comments. I didn't play with him for a while but if I remember correctly they say something like "where are you kitty?" when you're sneaking but they know that you're around. "Kitty" then slits their throats though. Filthy bandits... :biggrin:

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My current character is a Nord. When approaching enemies I try to take at least one out using stealth and arrows, before wading in with a sword and shield while using shouts (usually fire). Wear heavy armor, except when in a city, then I'll actually change to clothes. The only real magic I use is healing and wards when around magic traps.

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I play a breton assassin Mage type character.


Using destruction and illusion/alteration magic, main weapon is a bow and back up is a one handed weapon and spell in the offhand.


So from range I'm using archery and stealth. Close quarters I'm using destruction and one handed.


Main skills are archery, sneak, destruction, one handed and light armor.


And some investment in speechcraft since I like to think of him as a silver tongued rogue. Also investment in other magic schools and smithing/alchemy and pickpocket


Theives guild, mages guild and dark brotherhood are the first guilds I get involved with followed by companions at a later date. Also, I'm a werewolf.

Edited by JimReaper
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I play a Craftsman. He's less concerned with which skill he uses to do the actual fighting ... he just wants to survive.


His conception of "power" measures survivability.

I hear you....I play a slow, patient, methodical Dovahkin, his survival is in his 'strategy'....He tends to remain rather squishy, but death very rarely finds him if at all ... can't use Followers, their not so good at sticking to plans....


My Craftsman is neither squishy nor antisocial. If you're a master blacksmith there's no reason not to be wearing the best armor you can make for yourself (light armor so you can stay quick on your feet).


And if you're a master Craftsman it only makes sense to share your arts with a friend. Jenassa and Aranea both make great use of the tools you can provide them, both offensive and defensive. Lydia, too, if you don't mind that she "clanks like a kitchen".


I can't really keep playing a character after he or she dies. It doesn't "feel real" anymore. So my characters only die once. I did the Dark Brotherhood questline with a "dead" character so I could enjoy the witty dialogue and do the quests without it being "real". I've seen that intro movie too many times, so I've learned how to be careful.


We'll see if my latest hero can defeat Alduin ... I still haven't managed that yet, but she's got 100 in smithing, alchemy, and enchanting and unlike the last high-level guy I had who died to poison she's got poison resistance and a good Fortify Health enchant as well. This time it's going to happen ...

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@ RatcatcherOfKvatch...


I tend to get his Armor Smithing up, he only uses Light Armor...though due to RP it takes him a while to get the Smithing right up, as he never loots Armors or Weapons (doesn't loot what's not realistically carry-able), instead he collects small numbers of Pelts (per trip) and makes Hide and Leather Armors to sell....His Alchemy gets impressive fast though as he relies heavily on Poisons...Alchemy is always the first to max out.....He doesn't 'Enchant', doesn't use any Magic in fact...relies solely on his Tactics and Poisons (Bow, Stealth, Two Handed) is an Ambush junkie.... :P


I have three Dovahkins, though he is by far my favorite and is the most played....I can't play on either if he dies, it just feels wrong...immersion out the window. I re-start him from Helgen if he dies. Though I have run two games in which I had to ignore deaths, they were test games for additions to a Mod I am a huge fan of...a very difficult Mod when it comes to living.... :blink: ...and my favorite, as it keeps him on his toes and having to beat great odds.


Followers don't really play very nice with his tactics, he spends the majority if his outdoors time traversing difficult terrain....prefers uneven, rock strewn difficult ground and cliff faces over roads...gives him the upper hand in combat and stealth....Indoors he lays Traps at choke points...Oil Traps, Bear Traps....Followers don't tend to avoid them... :blink: ....plus they give his position away.

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