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What build do you play and why? Also for different races, any NPC reac


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Argonian Spellsword for me~!


Majoring in Light Weaponry (Tantos and 1H Axes), Restoration and Destruction, Heavy Armor and Alchemy.


Coupled with the Apocalypse Spell Package, Immersive Armors/Weapons, SkyRe and other mods, I have quite the experience in Skyrim.

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Bear traps? Ahh, I'm sure with your mix of mods your style makes sense. It's too different from what I'm used to for me to understand it, though; in my world bear traps are weak and immobile and poorly-equipped Dragonborns get 1-hit killed by Bandit Chiefs.


Looting a bunch of junk to take back to the shop isn't really part of the plan, but I can't pass up steel daggers. I haven't really thought about limiting what I can carry for realism's sake, but with zero points in stamina I can't carry all that much anyway. Transmutation is how I level smithing, although I save up my ore until I'm ready to level Alteration (after level 6) and that worst of all horrors speech. If I'm level 5.99 I'll chop wood before I sell valuable items to merchants.


If after level 5 you only fight magic (necros, conjurers, dragons, etc) then raising Alteration becomes an advantage for the MR, plus all the fighting for Azura's Star is against paralysis-vulnerable types who use magic attacks, so it works out perfectly.


Run a herd of mammoths through the Star and you're in pretty good shape. 4 items of Fortify Restoration-juiced Fortify Smithing apparel and a Fortify Smithing potion on top of that, upgrade a Gilded / Scaled light armor set, add in the Lord Stone and a shield from the Alteration school you've trained up in anyway and somewhere between levels 12-21 you've got pretty decent protection. Pressing on from there to the armor cap will take some grinding, but at least with ~350 armor rating + FH enchant you're not going to die from 1 hit.


I should also mention Lakeview is integral to "The Plan". In addition to the fully-equipped workshops and gardens its proximity to the Guardian Stones is an advantage you can't get anywhere else in Skyrim. Building Lakeview is expensive but worth it.

Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch
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Yep, my Bear Traps though mobile and useable do remain rather weak....though the point behind them is to stagger and slow the opponents down for the real fun... :devil: ...can Poison the Traps, but the real fun is dump Oil puddles all over about three of them spread up narrow passages....bait the opponents into charging down the passage and when they hit the Traps, light the Oil up with a Fire Arrow.... :devil: ...is a dirty move I know, but my Dovah is a very dirty fighter.... :happy:


Yes, my Dovah can easily be one hit killed by a Bandit Chief and so he can't afford to be hit by them, thus uses a plethora of tactics to avoid that scenario...that's a part of the double edged sword in my game, he can't afford to be hit with Two Handed Weapons especially...or Shock (though there are Potions to buffer that and he uses the Lord Stone) and so because he is so rarely hit at all, his Armor rating doesn't go up much, it remains weak.....My favorite vanilla battle targets are Bandits and Forsworn, the Forsworn especially are a whole lot of fun and keep my Dovah very busy and moving.


I do have Mods that up his agility...Somersaulting and Dodging...they help a great deal in keeping him out of close quarter range and keep him mobile and moving fast when the odds are against him...though he usually manages to whittle down most of the numbers in Stealth with Bow and Throat Slits before he is discovered...once the Stealth has reached 'Muffle' he can often get away with not being detected at all.


It is very interesting hearing other peoples game play style...I haven't played what your doing, but I can see what your achieving and how....Thank you for telling me about it...appreciated... :happy:

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I play Wood Elf but with kinda melted face :D I still can't get face which I want. And I joined StormCloak Rebellion for Civil War. I'm playing hybrid style. Master Bowman and Dual Wielding which in free time have fun with Enchanting and Alchemy. I'm not Thief. I'm a Vampire Lord for summoning Gargoyles :P I like playing like Charging Assasin and using magic for summons and rarely to attack.

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I tend to have multiple play-throughs running concurrently. They are all women, and currently I have...


My six-foot, red-haired Nord who wields a two-hander as if it were a dagger. She also has massive sneak skills and is deadly with a bow. Most of my characters have high skill levels in archery and sneak because I prefer, especially early in the game, to sneak through an area and use long-ranged attacks where possible.


I have a lovely Redguard who dual-wields war axes. Ditto with the sneak and archery skills...my first couple of play-throughs with a new game tend to be centered around fighting PCs. She also has a keen interest in alchemy and cooking. Fighters are my preference for early play-throughs in a new game simply because I tend to wade in and damn the consequences. Also, they don't usually die as frequently. *grin*


Then, I have a tiny Bosmer whose archery skills are really impressive. She dual-wields sword and dagger. I think of her as the sneaky type, although she isn't really a thief. She's now working with the Blades. All my characters tend toward light armor, in part because I simply think it looks better on women than heavy armor does.


Finally, I have a Breton who's currently specializing in destruction and alchemy. I've restricted her to using a dagger. I always tend to play magic users as my last choice of character simply because using magic is harder for me. I'm also terrible at remembering to use poison and other potions besides the required healing and restoring ones, hence her interest in alchemy.


Warriors are my "easy play" choices because their style doesn't require a lot of thinking or planning. For magic users or the more stealthy types, I have to think and plan and remember to Do Stuff, all of which require that I change up my playing style. They are more challenging.

Edited by Jannifer
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Thanks! I figure if I only have one life and it's counting down to the moment the thing that can kill me with one hit makes contact that the fewer things like that there are out there the better.


Life on the edge is fun, and if you've played Permadeath long enough that it has become boring to you I suppose living in fear of that one hit can keep the game exciting.


I'm not quite there yet. Having a character who has never died and is running around at Level 55 with not only top-notch gear but now thanks to constant fighting top-notch skills it feels like she's the real Dragonborn, the one who enters Sovengarde the hard way -- still alive!


I'm not good enough to never get hit. I'm just not that perceptive all the time. I need a little room to be sloppy, to take that one big hit and realize I'm in trouble and react rather than just die. It's cool that you're able to maintain the focus and intensity to never let your guard down or make a mistake. I'm not quite there yet.

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A bosmer vampire all enchanted for archery. I kill half the enemies in one sneak shot. Another half are finished by my companions, I usually have Vilja, Lydia and Serana. Well, with such a squad, ASIS is necessary cuz otherwise the game becomes too easy. And without companions, it becomes too difficult as I can't aim very well on my ancient pc. 128mb video card, 1.8ghz 2 cores...

As for appearance, she loks like smeone who spend all the life with bow and in wilderness...

Sometimes I just get my hdd with skyrim, all the saves and go play on our family pc. Well, it's w lotbetter than mine but big tv instead of screen is awful.

My favorite race comment is "speak, little elf". Idk why.:-)

Edited by sashaNar
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My favorite taunts are when playing Kajiit. You could fill a litter box with all the trash talk a Kajiit gets.

("Litter box," hah hah, Kajiit has never heard that one before ... before 5 minutes ago.)


In other sad news ... alas, poor Monique ... another victim of the 1-hit kill.

"But she was level 55! She was practically immune to poison, magic, and physical attack! No one, man or beast, could stand in her way! How could she possibly have died?"


(You've probably guessed by now ...)


There once was a Mage named Monique.

For Magnus' Staff she did seek.

All the metal she looted

proved her less than sure-footed

as she plunged from Mzuft's lofty peak.



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