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What build do you play and why? Also for different races, any NPC reac


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My first was a Hardy Male Nord. He used Heavy Armor and a 2 handed sword. I dunno Nord just seems to fit the bill more as a Dragonborn and living in Skyrim. I done a lot of play throughs and the combo I mostly use is Male Nord, Heavy Armor and 2 Handed sword.


My recent play through was Male Nord 1 handed sword, light armor spellcaster (Spellsword) but I am still liking the Heavy Armor 2 handed sword build more. I dunno maybe doing another play through on my typical Heavy Armor 2 hand sword build. I am not feeling this spellsword. Breton probably would had been a better choice for a spellsword.


Spell casting? forget it, I am not keen on how the spellcaster was designed in Skyrim. If I did even think about trying a mage I would go Breton.


Ranger, naa. Not crazy about how the bows work, I do use a few perks for bows, but I never went all out Marksman. Some people enjoy this style of play and I can not see it. If I did, which I very much doubt I will ever try it, I would go Wood elf.


Thief would be Kahjiit but I hate beast races so, never will happen, and I dispise the Thieves guild quests aswell as the Dark Brotherhood ones.


Argonian, again, I do not like beast races at all.


High Elf? HELL NO! I hate the Thallmor to much.


Imperial? Not a chance. The Imperials are to corrupt in Skyrim and they work with the frikking Thallmor


Orcs, well I do not like how the orcs are designed in Skyrim. I never made an Orc, not even once.


Dark Elves. No. Not to many customization choices, and every Dark Elf looks the same to me no matter what you do to them.

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