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Realistic Lighting Overhaul + Wearable Lantern light issue


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Hi, I got a problem with Realistic Lighting Overhaul + Wearable Lantern, if i remove Realistic Lighting Overhaul, the light from the lantern is fine but if i have Realistic Lighting Overhaul installed before or after Wearable Lantern the light from the lantern messes up here are some pics:


How it sould be:




Buggy with certain camera angle:




Also tried with fresh install, lantern is fine but after adding Realistic Lighting Overhaul, no matter load order, light becames buggy.

Is there a patch or workaround meaby?

Edited by Aminados
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The engine has a restriction in place that it doesn't render lights past 4 sources. Realistic Lighting and other mods reach the cap to produce the greatest effect, however with Wearable Lanterns you're adding another light source so it messes up. Not much to do unfortunately.

Edited by myztikrice
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