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Suggestions For Armour Mods


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This thread really should be moved to Mod Requests - that's the whole point of that forum.


I dont see specific requests which ofcourse would be correctly placed in the request forums but i do see suggestions for new armor such as mixing Dragonborn armors with vannila styling or stealth armor that is not styled for thieves or assasins. Suggestions are NOT requests.


I would like to see some stealth armor that is not setup for thieves and assassins too, but I would really like to see some mage armor that does NOT include hoods and robes. Too many fall into the mage wear hoods and robes and cannot escape from that and think Maybe if i was a mage i wouldnt want to be so vulnerable to a melee attack and want armor instead. So yeah It would be cool to get some light and maybe heavy armor for a mage character. even stalth mage armor so you can use sneak.

Edited by jet4571
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