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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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I have finally uploaded a sample on soundcloud. This was my first time doing this so be gentle lol



I listened to your sound cloud and was confused as you sounded familiar, as it turns out you have almost the same exact voice as "Omoi" from the Naruto Shippuden series. (He is the one in the included video, with the Darker skin, White hair, Sucker in his mouth and he's holding back the ladies punch.




Your voices sound so much the same it's uncanny.

Edited by TrollFaceTheMan
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Now as for your actual voice reel, first off if you don't have it yet you should download a program called "Audacity" it's for recording and has some nifty features for helping you clean up recordings.


Now for you're acting it was sort of hit and miss, you sounded really good in some areas but then not so much in others, now I don't mean this to be mean I'm saying this to help out...


To be honest though the lines you picked seem as they'd be rather difficult to do properly in general. Most of the time if your new to voice acting you want to start with something simple like "Hello, and welcome to my shop..." or "It's a fine day, don't you think..?" (Basically stuff that doesn't have a lot of fluctuating emotion to it.)


It's sounds like the lines you were doing had a lot of different emotions which can make things difficult, I even looked up the lines myself and realized due to the sentence structure they were confusing and hard to read... I've been doing this awhile and even that would be difficult for me to make them sound good so I wouldn't feel bad about it...


So my suggestion would be if you're looking for voice acting for Skyrim mods you should pick a race that you think you'd be good at and look up some quotes for them. Or if you tell me a race perhaps I can find some quotes for you to try if you'd prefer that?


Do you know what Race you wish to play like Elf, Nord, Redguard, Imperial, (Ect.)


One more thing it's hard I know, but try to remain calm while recording. Read Slowly and articulate clearly... Even if you feel like you reading slow, it tends to be that you're still going fast and it's just your mind playing tricks on you due to elevated levels of excitement and anxiousness. And only when you listen back on it you can often hear it sounds rushed...


Slower is almost always better for voice recordings, it makes it sound more natural for one. And the slower and more articulate speaking tends to lead to better lip sync for the characters once introduced into the mod. Plus slower speaking means slower reading (Unless you memorized the lines) and thereby also help to reduce the chances for blunders. Also when you voice act things to fast it makes it hard for you to convey any emotion except 'Rushed or Hurried.' The slower you go, the more you're able to act out the sentences, and remember dramatic pauses tend to be a good thing (Just not "Treebeard level" dramatic puases...")


You can also go "Too slow" mind you but that's why you should always listen back to your recordings and modify accordingly.


So in summery:

-Try easier, less emotional lines when first starting.

-Stay calm, try to remember to pace your speaking like you were having a normal conversation (Don't rush.)

-Don't be afraid to take dramatic pauses, just like how you would in a normal conversation (Just not "Anime level dramatic Pause...")

-Slower speaking allows for you to act out your lines more which is a good thing, just don't over-act them unless that's what the mod maker explicitly want's. (Like for example they are looking for a Flamboyant, overly dramatic Inns Keeper or something.)


-Pace your reading to help limit mistakes.

-Keep water Nearby to sip on if you get thirsty, then edit out any of the pauses in post.

-Don't be afraid of re-recording mess ups as they happen then just editing them out in post

-A pop filter for you mic is a must if you don't have one (It stops air from your mouth from hitting the mic and making a *Pop* or *Cracking* sound.

-Keep trying, you have an interesting voice and I think you will do great so long as you keep applying yourself.


Below is and example of "Rushed Voice Acting...."

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And here in an example of Calm, slow voice acting with "Dramatic Pauses" for effect... As you may be able to see it can make quite a difference. (Sorry I had to make it separate post, upload limit on single post and all...)


I also apologize it's not the best, example... The first bit my voice kept wavering, but unlike I advised you to do above I don't have water nearby to wet my dry throat... So that's what happens... (Ran out of bottles of water, can't buy any cause it's 3Am and the tap water here should not be drank...) :/

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Hey guys,

im making a machinima, I have made this so far :



it is a half of the video, I expect it to have max 7 minutes when finished


here is a script of what needs to be voice acted



The scirpt will be changed and corrected. Im just looking for the actor, while working on the project as it may take a while to find one.


If interested, PM me or use [email protected]


Thanks for any submissions.

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I have finally uploaded a sample on soundcloud. This was my first time doing this so be gentle lol



I listened to your sound cloud and was confused as you sounded familiar, as it turns out you have almost the same exact voice as "Omoi" from the Naruto Shippuden series. (He is the one in the included video, with the Darker skin, White hair, Sucker in his mouth and he's holding back the ladies punch.




Your voices sound so much the same it's uncanny.




I have finally uploaded a sample on soundcloud. This was my first time doing this so be gentle lol



I listened to your sound cloud and was confused as you sounded familiar, as it turns out you have almost the same exact voice as "Omoi" from the Naruto Shippuden series. (He is the one in the included video, with the Darker skin, White hair, Sucker in his mouth and he's holding back the ladies punch.




Your voices sound so much the same it's uncanny.


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I have finally uploaded a sample on soundcloud. This was my first time doing this so be gentle lol



I listened to your sound cloud and was confused as you sounded familiar, as it turns out you have almost the same exact voice as "Omoi" from the Naruto Shippuden series. (He is the one in the included video, with the Darker skin, White hair, Sucker in his mouth and he's holding back the ladies punch.




Your voices sound so much the same it's uncanny.




I have finally uploaded a sample on soundcloud. This was my first time doing this so be gentle lol



I listened to your sound cloud and was confused as you sounded familiar, as it turns out you have almost the same exact voice as "Omoi" from the Naruto Shippuden series. (He is the one in the included video, with the Darker skin, White hair, Sucker in his mouth and he's holding back the ladies punch.




Your voices sound so much the same it's uncanny.



Aye thank you mate. Yeah it was my first time. I not trying to make this my career I just want to help out the modding community because I'm tired of reading text lol

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Hello everyone I have been playing Skyrim often and love the game especially the modding community projects. I have been told over the years to get into voice acting so I can offer my services here. I will be posting some new samples possibly tomorrow. I can do many of the races and would love to be apart of any projects.


Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 9/21/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Can do most especially Khajiit. Will provide samples of each.

Starting out

Can do many different dialecs and oddly enough talk like a little girl.

About Me:
Been told for years to go into voice acting especially cartoons.

Voice Samples:

Edited by Epicdan1978
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Actor Stats

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 09/24/2013
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Im pretty decent with most races
Try to send me a small script and i will give it a shot.

Been imitating people for years.

Skandinavien, Australian and with a bit of training I should be able to pull some other accents of as well

About Me:
I have lately been playing alot of skyrim and I use alot of different followers, and i have always thought it would be fun to hear my own voice as a follower.

I also know some people are looking for voice actors and I would like to help making the pool of actors bigger.

Voice Samples:

A sample will be added later (Probably in a couple of days.)


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