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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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This is a great thread! Contributing!

Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 7/20/13
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

Argonian, Breton, Imperial, any elven race. Can most likely fill the rest in as well.



I am a part of a few Machinimas that have yet to be released, I have a youtube channel so I am used to speaking clearly and improvising, and I have a bit of experience singing at open mic nights.


Audio engineering and editing, Video editing and minor photo editing.

About Me:
I have no current job but I have a good living situation so I have tons of time on my hands., and I can work whenever needed. I am willing to take any job as I am looking to build more of a resume. If you'd like to contact me send me a message here or email me at [email protected].
Voice Samples: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/542826

Edited by Flippytriks
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Actor Stats

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: African
Active Member: big lurker
Playable Races:
Reguard / Bretton

acting class in high school...


As an african french , i can use a mild french accent for the bretons or .simply emulate a afro-oriental voice that relate to the redguards .
About Me:

Fine Art student born and raised near Paris . Big gamer fascinated by the elder scroll universe and ready to spent my time just for the sake of it .

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Hi, I'm spacesushi and I'm a 30 year old woman. I'm mixed race. I'm willing to help the modding community by contributing my voice. I'm willing to try out your scripts and go according to the tone required of me.


I am American from Brooklyn but with a non-accent. My speaking voice is medium pitch. I can also sing.

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Actor Stats

Accents: Working: Russian, Scot/Irish, English, neutral English.
Accents in progress: Norse, Spanish/Italian, Arabic.
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Last Updated: 7/30/2013
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Nords, Imperials, Bretons, Dunmer; Experimenting with Altmer and Khajiit


Stage acting and vocal training


Studio gear: Neumann TLM 102 condenser mic, StudioOne mixing software w/ export to .wav

Studio gear planned: secondary ambient cancellation mic, pop filter


Misc.: 4 years vocal lessons, iffins ya need a bard; decent Sean Connery impersonation.

About Me:

Just wanted to offer my talent as a voice actor to the general modding community. I have a very limited ability to do any major (or cool, really) modding myself, but love the work this community puts out and would like to contribute in some way. Also decent at the nitgritty joys of ReProccing to fit Tendo's SkyRe and would love to work some QA.


Can provide demos upon request.

Edited by Blitzkrieg3801
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Hey guys, Hotemochick here (A.K.A Emma) with a little section for the Voice actors around. If you are looking for a rule or looking to fill one, look no further! Voice actors are free to post their Voice Acting Resume right here for everyone to see! Here is mine, Just keep with the format!



Actor Stats


Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 3/25/2013

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Nords and Imperials. Havent dabbled in anything else as of yet.



Starting out



Can make .wav's and can use an English Accent.


About Me:

I have been told I have a nice voice so I figured I would give some Acting a shot. http://tesalliance.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/aa_smile.gif


Voice Samples:






So Thats it. Keep it going guys!


Elijah Lucian




Age: 30

Gender: Mayul

Race: Whitey

Active: Yes


Playable Races: All. I am waiting for demo videos of different races to be cut.


Experience: Lvl 42 Audio Mage


Skills: I own a recording studio, so anything audio. I also do web design, graphic design etc.


About Me: Just a guy trying to support the modding community


Voice Samples:


hi there i was wanting to know what a noob in audio recording should get as far as recording equipment. I was wanting to help out in the modding community and help out. also i do a little videography and wondered what audio could equipment that can do both record for videos and help record audio for voice acting. i was thinking of mods with atual mini movies.... any suggestions anyone?


If you want a really good big bang for your buck deal, you should check out the PreSonus USB Audiobox. It comes with great studio software, as two line ins, 3 outs, an in/out midi controller, and is compatible with pretty much everything under the sun as far as hardware goes. I've used mine both for studio recording vocal tracks and some amateur VA. It was about $90 when I purchased it, and you'll probably be able to find it cheaper now.


The big thing is the type of mic you get. I suggest a studio condenser, especially if you're looking to do spoken voice type recording. These can get a bit pricey (opening level is about $50, though I wouldn't suggest those ones), but they're well worth the investment because of durability and versatility. I use the Neumann TLM 102, but that's probably not something you'd look at for starters. I've used one of these, and it wasn't a bad experience. http://www.amazon.com/MXL-770-Cardioid-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B0007NQH98/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1375225545&sr=8-2&keywords=studio+condenser+mic


As for the audio/video, your best bet would probably be an area mic or multi-directional of some kind, then clean it up with sound editing software post-production. That gets sort of tricky, though, especially if you're new to the field.


You can PM me for more specific questions if you want. :smile:

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Actor Stats


Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 5/14/2013

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

I'm willing to give just about any voice a shot. What do you need?



Starting out, although I did voice quite a few characters for the Dwemer Colosseum.




Accents are my thing. Can do lots, can pick up others quickly. I also do some pretty good impressions. Stewie Griffin, anyone?


About Me:

I've been doing character voices for years just for my own amusement. I am also a stage actor.


Voice Samples:




Anyway, if interested, give me a PM!



Still here. Still looking for anyone who might want some voice help. Just finished voicing another character and I am hoping to post it as a demo as soon as I have permission from the mod author!

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Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Asian
Last Updated: August 2013
Active Member: Yes

Contact: [email protected]

Playable Races:
Khajiit, Elf, Human, Orc

90% of the voices in Moonpath to Elsweyr

Dragonball Absalon

Working with a Samson C01 condenser / ART Tube MP Preamp

Highly versatile in pitch, roughness, texture and personality.

About Me:

Studying Game Art & Design in SoCal, but a hobbyist voice actor.


Sample Reels:


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