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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello there,

I'm looking for a female voice actress to record a few samples I want to include in a mod for Skyrim I'm actually working on.


The voice should be compatible to the FemaleYoungEager voicetype and FemaleEvenToned voicetype.


I need voice actresses for German and English...


Any help is appreciated!


My mod so far: (no voices actually included, so no custom dialogues yet)




Please PM me! :smile:

Edited by Devilmarkus
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Looking for voice actors to voice to bosses in my Hellspire mod. If anyone is interested pls record in .wav format and send the lines to [email protected] Thanks here is the script:

EDIT: Received Lines only need one female part now:


[Player]: Hello

Hail stranger! I have a task that might interest an adventurer such as yourself. Would you be interested in what I have to say?

[Player]: Sure, go on

To the east of here lies a foul place. A gaping cavern known as the Hellmouth. Inside dwell a race of flesh eating demons.

They hold no allegiences, they devour any creature that enters. My son Jacob was on one of the many expiditions our civilisation made into Hellspire

He entered the Hellmouth and was never seen again. Find out what happened to him and I will reward you in gold

[player]: Sorry your son is dead, here are his remains

I had feared as much. At least now I have closure, thak you mortal. Here is your reward as promised

Edited by morrowind1979
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Position filled so auditions closed


My follower will have A LOT of dialogue as she has lots of witty comments about the world around her and will be fully quest aware. She will have advanced AI as I am very good at programming and I will probably end up giving her some kind of unique special ability. She is designed to be funny and will always make humorous remarks about the world around her. Personality wise she is pretty and knows it and sometimes uses it to her advantage. She is inappropriate and makes outrageous statements and silly innuendos which may or may not be deliberate. She often slips up with what she is saying and accidently says what she is thinking or puts things very badly. She is neutral on most things so can be used for a good or bad character and does not pick sides in the war as she does not like Tullius or Ulfric although she will go along with stuff as she has a soft spot for the player character which she tries to play down. She will also have a few quests. She does not have an official name yet. I have changed her name many times but I need to find one that is lore friendly but is not being used by other follower mods. You can see pics of her below but she may be subject to change.The best way to judge her personality is by reading these few lines of hers:


Do you think the sabrecats and khajit are somehow related? They do seem very similar except the khajits are a little more human. You don't suppose a human and a sabrecat... no I'm not going there. People get a little touchy when I say that.
I do love causing a stir. Once I started singing at the top of my voice and someone told me to stop shouting, then I replied do I look dragonborn or like one of those creepy old guys who live on the mountain tops to you? *laughs*.
Have you seen that woman selling fruit at the market stall? Apparently all the men in Whiterun fancy her... she wishes. If that's true then the men of Whiterun must be desperate either that or she is selling more than just fruit and vegetables.
The Drunken Huntsman. I once tried hunting whilst drunk it was hilarious. I shot some wood elf in the bottom and he squealed like a skeever *laughs* ...Oh no I think I just saw him.
I always miss the people I break up with... I need to learn to aim better with my bow.
Do you think I'm pretty? I'm feeling a little self conscious... *laughs* I love saying that to guys when they are with their wives. They don't know what to say as if they say yes their wives get jealous and if they say no I pretend to be really upset and they feel bad. What? I have to amuse myself somehow.
I went into the clothes shop ran by some snobby high elves in Solitude and they said that if I had to ask the price then I was in the wrong place so I said with what you're wearing you must be in the wrong place and it's no wonder people don't ask the price. That shut them up.
People seem to think all Nords are racist but surely that itself is racist? I'm not racist though I just don't like khajits or argonians or elves. Come to think of it I'm not that fond of orcs, redguards or imperials either. Damn it I always end up upsetting someone, don't take it personally.
I hope I don't get plundered by bandits... unless they happen to be good looking of course.
The guards in Skyrim are a miserable bunch. We risk life and limb slaying wolves, bandits and a lot worse all day and they complain about a single arrow in the knee.


Image 1:


Image 2:



Edit: I just had to post some more amusing dialogue:


After a few drinks one night I couldn't pronounce my 'I's properly and they sounded more like 'A's. I got a few strange looks when I started asking about the Winking Skeever.

I bet if a guy found out his wife was dragonborn he wouldn't be best pleased. Men already constantly complain about being shouted at by their wives. I mean can you imagine a dragonborn woman shouting at her husband, that would really give him something to complain about.
The last man who said women belong in the kitchen and should go back to their knitting soon ate his words when I punched him into oblivion. I think he must have been eating soup for quite a while after that and I bet it wasn't a woman serving it.
You don't see as many khajits about these days. I guess they must have gone Elsweyr... Do you get it, Elsweyr, elsewhere *laughs*.
I wonder why the dunmer are called dark elves. It makes them sound really evil.
I should probably put something on. I don't want to give some old guy a heart attack. (clothes taken)
Is it just me or does it sound a little inappropriate when the guards tell people to stop lollygagging.
Edited by djjohnjarvis
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I am casting for a male, high elf voice. Snobbish 'English accent.' Please PM me with a clip of the follow sample line if you are interested.


"As if this craggy, wretch of a city could give birth to a superiorly bred Mer such as myself."

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Looking for a female voice actor that can impersonate voice types Female Even Toned (like Lydia,} Female Young Eager (like Jordis.) Only a few humorous, condescending lines concerning males. PM me if interested.


p.s. If you ever wanted to call a man or men filthy pigs, this is your chance.

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