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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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In need of a single, adult male voice actor for a follower project.


Details can be found here; https://www.castingcall.club/projects/deep-adult-male-voice-for-skyrim-follower-paid-work

Work is paid. Message me here for any questions you might have. Audition lines should also be on the casting call website.

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  • 1 month later...

looking for a voice actor for an in depth very extensive, follower mod, that im hoping to make for skyrim, and then go on to make a version for six after it comes out

so definately fairly long term,


need deeep masculine scottish voice, very husky and sultry at times, gentle yet strong, funny but serious,

let me know if this is you?


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  • 1 month later...

Hello! Decided this year to fully invest my talents in voice acting to a professional degree. Looking for new opportunities, when it occured to me that the modding community I love so much could very well be in need of voice over work! So...here I am. Willing to be a part of not just Skyrim projects, but any voiced modding projects!


Actor Stats

Gender: Male
Race: White / Caucasian / Midwest US
Last Updated: 4/10/2020
Active Member: While new to most forum posting, my other account, JCvgluvr has been active since 2016.

Playable Races:
I am ready and willing to attempt any of the accents present in Skyrim, or any other modding project. British comes easiest to me. I am able to provide any age range for a male, and am even capable of baby/animal sounds, and vocal sound effects.

Part of the local touring production of the Living Last Supper, which toured through multiple states, minor part in an upcoming game on Steam called Dimensional Shift, much public work throughout high school and college, and personal dubbing projects.


What do I bring to the table?:
I have access to the Rode NT1-A Anniversary Vocal Cardioid Condenser Microphone Package, as well as a Sentey Arches GS-4730 Headset (back-up mic). Capable of all age ranges, high voices, low voices, in-between, singing, and quick communicator.

About Me:
I'm 31 years old. I work with people with special needs. Hobbies include writing, movies, video games, and spending time with family.

Voice Samples:


Casting Call profile, featuring auditions for other works (including an impression of our cheeto-in-chief, Donald Trump):



Contact and ending:

Thank you for reading this introduction! I would be really happy to start working with anyone, even if the work isn't paid. Besides private messages, you can send offers to my professional email address:

[email protected]


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  • 4 weeks later...

Looking a voice actress to voice additional lines in my Serana Dialogue Add-On mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32161?tab=description) The role is for Serana of the Dawnguard DLC, and thus the voice should be very similar to VA Laura Bailey’s original portrayal of the character. If you’re interested, please drop me a PM with some voice samples (you can say any line you want).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actor Stats

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Active Member: Yes (Very new)

Playable Races:
Pretty much give anything a go.

Lots of live Theatre experience - not much voice acting experience (Just one audiobook)

Can use basic functions of audacity (noise reduction etc.)

About Me:
British fella, long term enjoyer of Skyrim - always had a fancy for voice work and thought no time like the present.

Voice Samples:
Put these together this evening as I didn't have anything to hand, will probably update with some new stuff over the coming days.

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  • 2 months later...

My name is Kerstyn Unger (Kikiapplus)
I wanted to share my Custom Voice Resource here!

These are a collection of voice types voiced by a few talented actors.
There are over 100+ lines of dialogues for each voice type!

15 different types of voices to choose from, both male and female!

All audio is allowed to be edited, spliced, & rearranged for all modder needs.

You can check out all the followers already made using the voice sets on the respectable pages.


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Actor Stats

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 08/18/2020
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
I can do Nords, I do a so so orc if i give time to actually practice a race's voice I can do it fairly well

I have always been a kind of person who would impersonate what I hear on tv but as a "professional" voice actor I'd say about 2-3 years

I can alter my voice files to sound like a powerful foe (ex. Dragon) or anything needed

About Me:

I dont expect pay just some brownie points against friends that I voiced in some skyrim mods that they might play I also have a discord which I would prefer to be reached out to my info for it is Bonce#9733 or my Twitter @TheBonceCast


Voice Samples:

See attached files if you want more get a hold of me on either Twitter or Discord

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again Nexus! It's been a very long time since I've made a request here, and again its for any talent who feels they'd be suitable for the project. Sorry for the hiatus between updates, many issues occured since the last release.

There are three pivotal roles that I will be quite picky with, so you should only really apply for these if you're confident you can handle them:

  • Prince Damian

  • Wayward Husk

  • Orc Male (Luther, Orc diplomat from Daggerfall)

Now for the rest, anyone can apply for these:

  • Orc Male (Anka-Ur)

  • Older Orc Male (Warchief) [Can be same voice actor as above]

  • Orc Female (Arami)

  • Orc Male (Firstborn) [brutish]

  • Direnni Male (Elven, High Elf)

  • Breton Male (Horustair, Knight)

  • Breton Male (Rados, Blacksmith)

  • Female Beggar

I have more to come, as you may know if you've played the mod, there is still much to do when it comes to voicing the mod.

I have also developed the region of Jehanna and its surroundings, I will upload images soon on the state of the area. However, my main priority is finishing what's already there - but the next release may have you see a glimpse of what will come in a future update.

Contact me on [email protected] for auditions. Thank you.

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