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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello, can't remember if I posted here before but I wanted to just say I am willing to try voicing anything that anyone needs for most anything. I think I can do quite a few accents believably, but I'll let you decide if I am right or wrong on that. I'm a thirty-one year old white male with a mid to higher pitched soft voice when speaking normally. My native accent is American (Ohio), so I can at least do that one for sure *grin*. PM me or reply here with any requests if anyone has any projects or needs that I might be able to help with.

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Hey guys, I'm Robbie also known as Cocktimus Prime, Zer0, and a load of other stupid ass names. I'm Scottish, and have a fairly deep voice. The rest of the stuff you need to know is below, so read that instead of this! :D


Actor Stats

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Active Member: Willing to be.

Playable Races:
Whatever is needed really. Not tried Argonian/Kahjiit but willing to give them a try.

Starting out

I have a reasonable knowledge of audio editing, and know my way around a few audio editing programs. I have a few years experience in YouTube so know "roughly" what I'm doing. I've been told I'm pretty exceptional at a lot of accents. My natural accent is Scottish, if anyone were to need that.

About Me:
I've always wanted to get into voice acting, but was unsure how. After a few years of YouTube on various different accounts, I have gathered a decent amount of knowledge on the subject, and basically thought I'd combine my love for mods with my interest in voice acting.

Voice Samples:

My YouTube channel doesn't have a whole lot of different voice variety on it, but it's a general introduction.

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I am still searching for voice actor for my mod Stonecrest City. For more information about the Npcs, I invite you to go see page 4 and 5 of my main topic



Please post your candidature on my mod's forum : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71928/?tab=5&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D71928%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3542090&pUp=1

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Newbie VA hoping to get a start

Andrew Vargas

23 years old


More live action acting than VO acting, but wanting to give it a shot (do not have the clips as it was for a high school class)

Anyone willing to give me a shot, please send me a message. Would be glad to try whatever role is needed

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Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Filipino/Asian
Last Updated: Dec. 24, 2015.
Active Member: Just signed up.

Tone of Voice: Trailer-ish deep.

Playable Races:

- Willing to do any race.


Gear and Software:

- Superlux HD681 EVO

- Samson C01U

- Adobe Audition (Post-Production)

- Fruity Edison (Noise Cleanup)


- 8 years experience in audio engineering and music production. 5 years in voice acting.

- I often use voice filters to make my voice sound more monstrous, alien, eldritch, etc. Refer to samples.

- I'm mostly employed because of my trailer-ish voice. This voice uses no filters. Refer to samples.

About Me:

Voice Samples:


Samples in my website:



Trailer voice:



Filtered voice meant for a game. Now discontinued:



Quick Demo Reel:


Reviews of my service:


Edited by stringjade
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Age: 19
Race: Filipino/Asian

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races: Humanoid races


Experience: Starting out


Skills: Voice range from a 10 year old boy, to an awkward adult male. Can do a soft irish, english and american accent.


About Me: I've been told that I have a generic enough voice for voice acting, and I have a lot of free time.


Voice samples @https://soundcloud.com/josh-f1

Edited by Vhaltyrr
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Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Asian

Last Updated: Dec. 24, 2015.

Active Member: Just signed up.

Tone of Voice: Trailer-ish deep.


Playable Races:

- Willing to do any race.


Gear and Software:

- Superlux HD681 EVO

- Samson C01U

- Adobe Audition (Post-Production)

- Fruity Edison (Noise Cleanup)



- 8 years experience in audio engineering and music production. 5 years in voice acting.

- I often use voice filters to make my voice sound more monstrous, alien, eldritch, etc. Refer to samples.

- I'm mostly employed because of my trailer-ish voice. This voice uses no filters. Refer to samples.


About Me:



Voice Samples:


Samples in my website:



Trailer voice:



Filtered voice meant for a game. Now discontinued:



Quick Demo Reel:


Reviews of my service:


I assume you mean male rather than female? :P Nice voices! I might hit you up for something in the future, though my current project doesn't require something so dramatic yet.

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