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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hi all I am reaching the end of my Mod I have been working on for about a year now. Ready to start adding voice acting then just a few tweaks and the mod will be uploaded to Skyrim NEXUS mods. This is a free non-profit mod. Anyway I need numerous parts voiced (4 female parts, 7 male parts). There might be a few more near the end. So If anyone is interested please record your audition in WAV format and send it to [email protected]. I would prefer you to add effects to fit the part description, but this is not essential as I can do this myself if need be. All voice actors will be given credit when the mod is released. Thank you. Parts list below:






King of Shadows (undead Liche male)*



This is the kingdom of unlife! This is the kingdom of death! I am the master here.




Damned Souls (female)*



Just leave me be. I am damned.



Demon Slaves (male and female)*



Punish me!





Baal The Desolate (Evil Dragon male)*



A fortress of stone and malice from which I watch this wretched world decay and burn!



Hexan the Alchemist (green ghost male)*



I need some help with my experiments if you have the stomach for it?



Little Girl Ghost (female child)*



Please help me! help me! I'm scared!



Loki the Trickster (maniacal demon of mischief male)*



Please help me! help me! I'm scared! Hee hee ha ha ha! hee hee ha ha ha ha! Foolish little mortal!



Animus (Ancient demonic chaos god male)*



I am the infinite and the unfathomable! I am discord!, pandemoneum! and anarchy! I am the will of chaos made flesh!




Balthazaar (Fire Dragon Female)



You presume correct. You know me by name but I know nothing of you little mortal.


Still looking? I'm planning on applying for some of them tonight. I'm hoping the King of Shadows, Baal the Desolate, and Animus are still open for audition! Preffo Baal the Desolate! :D

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Actor Stats

Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: White/Cacasian
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Nords Imperials and khajiit

Starting out

Can make .wav's and can make portuguese accent

About Me:
I really admire voice actors and i would like to try it out http://tesalliance.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/aa_smile.gif

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Elijah Lucian




Age: 30

Gender: Mayul

Race: Whitey

Active: Yes


Playable Races: All. I am waiting for demo videos of different races to be cut.


Experience: Lvl 42 Audio Mage


Skills: I own a recording studio, so anything audio. I also do web design, graphic design etc.


About Me: Just a guy trying to support the modding community


Voice Samples:




Are you still in the voice acting industry? I'm making a quite large town mod, and it'd be nice to have NPCs voice acted. There is also a Female Woodelf, Male (mad) old Nord Wizard, Male Nord drunk, 2 Male nord Farmers, 1 Male nord Fisherman, and a Female Redguard Hireling.

If anybody else is interested, please private message me!




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CrashMasterJMM - John Majkowski


Actor Stats


Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: White Cacasian

Last updated: 1/18/2016

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Would like to think I could voice any of the races.



Starting out.



Voice - Multiple accents, Natural voice pitch shifting

Technical - Use of Audio and Video editing software.


Voice Samples:



About Me:

I come from Southern New England... specifically Rhode Island. Currently living in North Carolina.


Would be best to PM me.

Edited by CrashMasterJMM
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