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Problems since patching with 1.9 and updates


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My game was automatically patched by Steam which caused the installed version of SKSE to fail; I launch from SKSE due to running Sky UI. Using NMM (updated to version 0.44.4 - now 5) to install SKSE Scripts (1.06.13) I noticed that some other mods needed updating, which are now:

  • Sky UI 3.4
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1.3.1a
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch 1.2.1
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch 1.0.2
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch 1.1.0

The first problem was that I was unable to absorb dragon souls, rectified by changing the load order.


However there have been other difficulties including:

  • Bounty at Uttering HIlls Camp - unable to locate bandit leader and therefore clear from journal (not resolving by console command)
  • Restoration loop glitch not working
  • Having 4 pieces of apparel with 29% Fortify Alchemy equipped I produced Fortify Enchanting potions at 32%. On the next occasion with the same items equipped and using the same ingredients yields 19%
  • Coffin not opening in Laid to Rest quest (corrected with console command)
  • Giant marking time (walking on the spot) when killed - able to loot though
  • Mammoth falling out of the sky at Steamcrag Camp

I have a nasty feeling that all I can do is to find a save point prior to the patching/updating and test each patch or update; unless someone has a better idea?

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Having never had to revert to a previous version of a game with mods installed (have never employed mods before Skyrim), would I be right in thinking that I need to:

  • disable all mods
  • restore previous version of TESV.exe
  • let Steam apply patch 1.9
  • download previous versions of mods (deleted originals when updated)
  • activate previous versions of mods
  • install latest SKSE version
  • load game from date of original patch
  • don't bother with mod updates if game runs OK or activate new versions of mods one at a time

Sorry for being a noob, but I'd like to get this right so that I can continue with my saved games (2 profiles).

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I have also noticed that the fortify restoration loop isn't working. Fortify restoration recently stopped affecting my alchemy gear at all. Nobody else seems to be having this problem, so it might have been caused by one of the mods that we both have. The patch notes for 1.9 didn't mention anything about fixing the bug.

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RESTO-LOOP EXPLOIT IS ***NOT*** PATCHED BY 1.9!!!!! (thank god)

I just uninstalled all my mods except the bare minimum needed to run (DLCs, SKyUI, Alternate Start) and can verify 100% that it's a third-party mod "fixing" the restoration-loop exploit in 1.9... when all the mods are off, the exploit still exists.

It's being caused by Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1.3.1a... Arthmoor needs to adress this since he's basically breaking a critical game mechanic as opposed to fixing a bug.

Edited by Arodicus
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In addition to breaking the Fortify Restoration Loop (which really is a bug) USKP also "fixes" the ability of Fortify Restoration to boost the power of worn magic items, which is actually a normal game mechanic. It also appears to be tweaking the way wearing multiple items with the same enchantment works, which is why you are getting 19% and not 32%.


I asked Arthmoor about it, and possibly providing a way for developers to bypass this feature, and his response was a flat "No" and "I heard the developers are thinking about doing this anyway, so direct your displeasure towards them". Kind of an unexpected remark, given that I wasn't voicing any displeasure, merely notifying him of what I thought was an unintentional problem.


In other words, he doesn't consider this a bug, he thinks it's a fix, and has no intention to correct it.


I'll try to figure out what USKP does to fix the exploits, and make a mod that un-fixes them. I might restore the Oghnum Infinium and speechcraft glitches too, while I'm at it.


Or simply uninstall USKP... I can deal with floating baskets. Changing game mechanics is a whole 'notha animal.



Edited by Arodicus
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Thanks for determining the likely cause of my problems.


I have deactivated the Unofficial Skyrim Patch as I cannot roll back to a previous version and don't seem able to find the download. Apart from the usual warning popup I have experienced little difficulty, with a couple of exceptions:

  • Having "replaced" Belathor with Ysolda in the general store, she no longer appears there.
  • Enthir's gold has reduced from 4000 to 500 septims.

If these are the type of problems that I am likely to face, I am happy to proceed.

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