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Damage from Electrical Storms?

Moonsugar Jake

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Greetings from a novice!


I've muddled around in TESCS just enough to modify creatures and items, and I don't expect to actually create a full mod myself (don't have the time).


My question is, is it possible to (by the adding of a mod) modify thundershowers to include a random chance that you, or any other NPC/creature you see around you, may be struck by a visible bolt (or flash) of lightning?


I wondered this as I wandered NW from Caldera during a thunderstorm. Wide, open spaces. Makes you think you should expect to get fried at any moment! (providing the nymphs don't get you first).


Possible additions could include a blast-crater or texture on the piece of ground it strikes, or even residual flames and burning flesh as needed...


I don't know many of the wonders and powers of the contruction set, but this is my curiosity, and it would be perhaps a great challenge for someone to make this a realistic mod!



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The actual shock damage part should be possible - some sort of random chance script linked to storms would work. As for a visual effect you'd only have the normal shock damage effect, unless you created a new animation - something I have no idea of how to do.


As for craters and scorched earth, to the best of my knowledge there's no way of altering ingame textures/meshes whilst you are in the same cell. It could possibly be done through cell transitions, but you'd have to have the effect in the same location every single strike.


So whilst it's possible to do, it's unlikely to be quite as spectacular as you describe.

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