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ghostikailo - BANNED

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ghostikailo banned.




Reason for the ban

After getting kicked from chat after being told no one would send the SKSE file to him, began spam posting the following:

Before they kicked me out of the chat room, they told me it was down. And they wouldent risk thier account to send me the file, because it will be back up. I swear, f***ing losers. Risk losing a account, if you care that much about your nexus account, your pretty f***ed up in the head lol. Ruin some ones night, when it would take u 3.2 seconds to send me a 400kb file. Bastards!!! and dont send it to me now, cause some ones prolly gonna get butt hurt, and send me a virus lol. Not to mention i dont need it, i deleted my 4gbs of mods i just downloaded, and 10gb skyrim. Thanks though, i prolly would have wasted another 50 hours of my life in skyrim lol. RISK LOSING A NEXUS ACCOUNT, your f***ing redicoulos i swear.



And no we aren't ridiculous. Banned for spamming, trolling, profanity and arguing a moderators decision among other things.


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