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Can't zoom out to third person


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Hello! Odd problem I seem to have.


Now, I don't mean that I can't see my character WHEN I zoom out, I mean I can't zoom out, at all. Camera doesn't move.


I'll provide a list of recently installed mods further down, but I don't believe any of them should have an effect on this.


Here's some things I've tried:


Zooming out (aha, didn't work.)

F button

Checking controls in menu and resetting them to default values, then trying again

enableplayercontrols in console

disable character

enable character

animcam in console

s1st in console (this does enable me to enter third person camera mode, but it does not allow me to neither zoom in, nor out, nor reenter first person mode in any way, console or otherwise)

These are my recently installed mods, from top to bottom in the order of which i installed them:






So, does anyone have any ideas?

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