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Unable to loot undead, vampires, and dragons. Also can't talk to S


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SOLVED: (I hope?) I think I have solved this, at least for me. Try going into the console and do a "player.removeperk 4008a6e" which seemed to work instantly without reloading my save game. This is a perk called "Savage Feeding" but it is not the Werewolf one (40059a6) so I am not sure what it is. I overzealously added both and have had the problem ever since.

Thanks This helped i remembered i did the same i compleatly forgot

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SOLVED: (I hope?) I think I have solved this, at least for me. Try going into the console and do a "player.removeperk 4008a6e" which seemed to work instantly without reloading my save game. This is a perk called "Savage Feeding" but it is not the Werewolf one (40059a6) so I am not sure what it is. I overzealously added both and have had the problem ever since.

THANKS......... you solve my problem :laugh: , but the correct perk id is 03008a6e :blush:


Glad I could help you. The numbers are correct on my system, or were, at the time. It all depends on how they are loaded by the engine as to what sequence each DLC receives as a number (03xxxxxx as opposed to 04xxxxxx, for example). So it was 04xxxxxx on mine, 03xxxxxx on yours, and could be different on someone else's. But I thought that the DLCs had a fixed load order. Guess not.

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I've been having a very similar problem, I couldn't loot draugr or vampires. Had it for a while, and tried this removeperk solution, but I use ordinator, and neither codes have worked or been noticed as perks that are in the name. I could remove ordinator, but it took me a full hour to finally get my perk points into it once I downloaded it. Any other ideas?

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I've been having a very similar problem, I couldn't loot draugr or vampires. Had it for a while, and tried this removeperk solution, but I use ordinator, and neither codes have worked or been noticed as perks that are in the name. I could remove ordinator, but it took me a full hour to finally get my perk points into it once I downloaded it. Any other ideas?

did you ever fix it? I'm runnign moonlight tales, ordinator, and psioniks necromancy mod.


now I typed remove perk 02008a6e and the consol took it as a viable command but i still cant loot vampires!

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