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Dagi-Raht Khajiit race eyes mismatch


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I just installed Dagi-Raht Khajiit race and the last few eyes which are supposed to be cat-like, are showing up above the eyesockets and not in them. This is the only mod I have so far for Skyrim. I installed using NMM and it is an up-to-date steam version.

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The mod says it works with vanilla, cbbe, unp, and better males. But now I updated to Dagi Raht version 2.1.7 and installed skse and I get a crash at start. Uninstalled the race in NMM (how I had it installed). Reinstalled it and it still crashes with skyrim.exe. So I used SKSE loader and got to the screen with the Skyrim symbol to the left of the screen BUT no choices to continue,new, etc. Fun,fun,fun. Other than reinstalling Skyrim, what can I do?

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Uninstall skse and the custom race. You probably messed up the skse install. Remember you need to manually uninstall (delete) and install skse, it doesnt work with NMM.

Get your skyrim working again first, install skse next (its the important mod) and than the race. To check that your skse version works go in main menu into the console and type getskseversion which should give some number if it worked.

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