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Word wall hunting question


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There are quite a few WWs that are quest-related, and you've just encountered a couple.


Ysgramor's Tomb, for example, leads up to a word wall, but you can easily jump up to that one. No need to do the whole Companion quest line for that.


Folgunthur has another word wall, and that will start another quest associated with it. You'll have to do at least one adventure in the Mage's guild to complete that one.


The one at Frostmere Crypt involves a quest, but it's a quest that's strictly contained there, so no problem really.


The one at Forsaken Cave involves The White Phile, and that will naturally involve getting to a certain point in the main quest.


There's one at Labyrinthian, but it's bound to the Mage's quest line.


There's another one at Korvanjund, but it's tied down to the Civil War.


One word is at Skuldafn, which is only accessible through the main quest.


There's another one at Dead Man's Respite, and that will involve the Bard's College.


The one at Dustman's Cairn requires you to at least join the Companions, but I think that's about it.


If you don't mind doing a lot of quests or having a lot of incompletely quests in your log, it's no problem.

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