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Cities destroyed or taken over by bandits


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I was wondering how difficult it would be to replace almost all (or all) the cities of skyrim with either destroyed ruins of the former city, or a bandit outpost which has taken over. I was considering leaving one city, such as whiterun, as a last stronghold, leaving skyrim a country truly full of raiders and bandits. Any thoughts?

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I was wondering how difficult it would be to replace almost all (or all) the cities of skyrim with either destroyed ruins of the former city, or a bandit outpost which has taken over. I was considering leaving one city, such as whiterun, as a last stronghold, leaving skyrim a country truly full of raiders and bandits. Any thoughts?


This would defiantly be a lot of work, and by a lot I mean LOTS! On the other hand... It would be nice an immersive for the player.

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