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Need help making a better bullet cam


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Ive been unsuccessful and I yes Before you tell me that this is the skyrim mod forum. the only reason im here is that there has been faaaaar more success with kill cams and the like with skyrim than Fallout NV now the reason im posting is for a NV Style Bullet Cam for well NV this IS NOT A MOD REQUEST Im trying to make it myself heres a video i made for the kind i was hoping to make



Now I made a topic in the fallout nv mod talk forums but no one responded so it seems no one knows jack about kill cams there but skyrim mods like Dance of Death mods seem to disagree. So please dont delete this mod. Im just someone trying to get a little more enjoyment out of his game

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In other words I would like this type of bullet cam that u saw in the video to occur more often in Fallout NV to happen more often

again the reason im posting here is because no one in the Fallout NV mod talk forum knows Jack **** about this sort of thing

Edited by Vancer2
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