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Creation Kit Help - Madison Li & "From Within"

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Hi guys,


I want to make a mod that lets you return Madison Li to the Institute if you became enemies with the BOS after completing "From Within."


I tried messing around with the console to see if I could fix her with it, but while I was able to fix her factions and move her back, she just stood in place and would not talk. I'm pretty sure all I need to do is reset/fix a couple of scripts on her, but I don't even how to use the creation kit to find them!


I've made a couple of tiny mods before but I've relied on figuring out which scripts I need to edit using the wiki, which is not very helpful in this case.



If anybody knows how to do something like this, any help would be appreciated. Or, if you know a mod that already lets you do this, that works too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Something like this:


Create a Quest. Add a Quest Script like this:

Quest Property BoSKickOut Auto Const

Actor Property MadisonLi Auto Const

Faction Property InstituteFaction Auto Const

Faction Property BoSFaction Auto Const

ObjectReference Property MarkerInTheInstitute Auto Const

Event OnQuestInit()

	If !BoSKickOut.GetStageDone(20) || !BoSKickOut.GetStageDone(30)

		RegisterForRemoteEvent(BoSKickOut, "OnStageSet")





Event Quest.OnStageSet(Quest akSender, int auiStageID, int auiItemID)

	If (akSender == BoSKickOut) && (auiStageID == 20)

		UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(BoSKickOut, "OnStageSet")



       If (akSender == BoSKickOut) && (auiStageID == 30)

               UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(BoSKickOut, "OnStageSet")



Function Li()



Then you can create a Sandbox Package for her or use the vanilla ones. For the dialogues lines you should check the DialogueInstitute, Inst301Post, Inst303Post, Inst305Post quests.

Edited by LarannKiar
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