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Water LOD in The Sea of Ghosts - Bits missing


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Having just updated Skyrim to the latest update, I decided to venture out to the sea of ghosts. However, the water, at a certain distance, isn't there.


It's literally missing. Doing a fresh install didn't work one bit, so I know for sure it's not any mods. Anybody else just updated and got the same issue?


Picture of the problem:




Notice how there are squares of water missing. Moving closer causes the water to suddenly pop in. Moving back away, they then disappear again.


Is there a way to fix this? I assume I'd have to generate the LOD for the water meshes, but I haven't the faintest clue as to how.

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If water seems blurry/flickering or missing bits, try to set: iPresentInterval=1 in Skyrim.ini in ..user/my documents/my game/Skyrim (where you have the game save files). You may also set: iPresentInterval=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini in the same folder. It enables VSync. Some may says that setting iPresentInterval = 1 in Skyrimprefs.ini may not do anything, but I want to make sure it is enabled.

More of iPresentInterval here: http://www.gameskyrim.com/not-disable-vsync-t210795.html

If you still have problems with water, download another mod that only changes the water.


Edited by kare kleven
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