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Creation Kit Tintmask Issues


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I've done about a million hours of googling over the past month searching for a fix for this issue and have found nothing, I wanted to check and be certain that there's no new info on this problem. When I try to create a character in the CK the female lip color doesn't show up and the eyeliner appears are part of the boethiah tattoo on the side of their face. I managed to correct the uppereyecolor being on the forehead by removing my tintmasks folder, however the other problems are still present. The control F4 thing didn't fix anything (I also have the face discoloration issue). I have three mods that have been brought to a dead halt by this issue because my new NPCs look bad in game. One of them is a custom standalone race if that's relevant, they all have the issue though (edits of existing NPCs and new ones). I also need this fix to work in the context of uploading these mods to the nexus. Is anyone else still having this problem or did I totally miss a fix for it?

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  • 1 month later...

Hm. Kinda glad I typed this up all those months ago, considering how often this has come up. o.o


1. Make/edit NPC in CK. Save, reload, and export the face data by hitting CTRL+F4. The exported face data will create the head mesh and bad head textures in the correct directory.
2. Open up .esp in NPC Editor. Check the makeup looks alright on the rather scary 'model', and correct it if it doesn't.
3. Make sure that the 'Save to BSA' box is unchecked, and click on Create Mod. Make sure the name of this .esp doesn't match your actual mod's name. If your NPC mod is called 'Fluffy.esp', call this new one something different...like 'NotFluffy.esp'. This will ensure the 'Fluffy.esp' and the head mesh aren't overwritten.
4. Delete the .esp you just made. 'NotFluffy.esp' isn't needed. =D
5. Go into data/meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/ and find the folder that's named the same as the .esp you made in NPC Editor. Delete it.
6. Go into data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/ and find the NPC Editor folder there. Go into it, and select and copy the .dds file. Go back one step (to the facetint folder) and find the folder named after your actual mod. Go into it and paste, allowing the file to overwrite.
7. Delete the NPC Editor folder in the textures. You don't need it any more.


The stripy forehead thing in the CK isn't an issue in-game, I think. It's just a problem the CK has with showing makeup textures that are larger than the default ones. Or something. =3

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

Hm. Kinda glad I typed this up all those months ago, considering how often this has come up. o.o


1. Make/edit NPC in CK. Save, reload, and export the face data by hitting CTRL+F4. The exported face data will create the head mesh and bad head textures in the correct directory.

2. Open up .esp in NPC Editor. Check the makeup looks alright on the rather scary 'model', and correct it if it doesn't.

3. Make sure that the 'Save to BSA' box is unchecked, and click on Create Mod. Make sure the name of this .esp doesn't match your actual mod's name. If your NPC mod is called 'Fluffy.esp', call this new one something different...like 'NotFluffy.esp'. This will ensure the 'Fluffy.esp' and the head mesh aren't overwritten.

4. Delete the .esp you just made. 'NotFluffy.esp' isn't needed. =D

5. Go into data/meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/ and find the folder that's named the same as the .esp you made in NPC Editor. Delete it.

6. Go into data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/ and find the NPC Editor folder there. Go into it, and select and copy the .dds file. Go back one step (to the facetint folder) and find the folder named after your actual mod. Go into it and paste, allowing the file to overwrite.

7. Delete the NPC Editor folder in the textures. You don't need it any more.


The stripy forehead thing in the CK isn't an issue in-game, I think. It's just a problem the CK has with showing makeup textures that are larger than the default ones. Or something. =3

What do you mean by NPC Editor?

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Skyrim NPC Editor. It's not available there anymore though.


What's the problem that you're having? If you didn't change the makeup on the NPC that you're editing, then you can simply copy the old tintmask over the one generated by Ctrl+F4 in step 1. Basically, just skip to step 6. If you're creating a new NPC, then what method are you using to create it? If it's RaceMenu, then here's a good tutorial for that. RaceMenu creates a tintmask for you and you just have to keep a copy of it and overwrite the one that the CK creates.

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