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Saying Farewell or just cleaning up the mess...


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So I was just thinking about followers and RPing. I've seen mods for making them ride with you and mods for giving them more options....but I've yet to see something for dealing with when they fall in battle.

What would you do if your ally fell on the battle field or you returned to a know location to find the local peasants killed by monsters? Assuming you're a proper person, you'd bury them or cremate them on a pyre.

I wish there was a mod to do this, just to remove the body of an ally or fallen NPC and place a marker there in the wilderness to mark their "grave"...just a small pile of stones like the ones in graveyards all over the place.

OR if its a group of bandits or unfavorables, just to burn/dispose of the bodies in a pyre.


It would make me feel much better about accidentally losing an ally if it wasn't just "Awww poor Faendal. Well take his stuff and leave the body to rot."

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