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My Little Pony Follower and Race Mod Updates.


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Woahschibb. How do /I/ get it?


On a related note: That funking signature... It's so hype. I need it for my next hardcore furry drug rave. Source me, If you will...?

All I can say here is PM me about it. ;) As for the sig, that can be found here: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/145/8/f/8fe865a8a14978e7181ebad444249799-d3h554e.gif

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Exciting news, everyone. Pegasoft Industries (that's us) are holding our first (and probably last) competition! All you have to do to enter for a chance to win your OC's name and photo (if provided) a spot in Nightmare Moon's quest to be referenced in notes left by her prisoners is PM me your OC's name and photo. Me, DeathclawAlpha, and Kuroitsune will take up to 20 entries and select our top 10 favorites to be referenced in the mod. The contest will last for one week and we will announce the winners here. If for whatever reason there are not enough entries, the contest will go on for another week. Here are the conditions.

1) Up to two OCs per person (only one of which will be picked)

2) No shipping with characters that are in the mod ( "My OC is Rarity's husband. lololol" )

3) Nothing inappropriate

4) A short backstory would be appreciated, but is not required

5) I like alicorns as much as the next guy, but they have to be done right, so nothing overpowered (note: this does not mean alicorns are barred from this contest, it just means your OC isn't allowed to be a Super Saiyan 4 capable of destroying the world when he/she farts.)

6) Doesn't matter what race your OC is as long as it is a pony or close enough (no gryphons, dragons, diamond dogs, etc but zebras and changelings are allowed)

Edited by DOOMdestroyer360
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That feeling when you'll never get to be Rarity's husband in a video game...


Glad I got that off my chest. I'll try and keep the silliness to a minimum, To allow for more updates.


Also, I dont think i'll be putting in my OC. ... As I dont have a picture for it. .. ... Or an OC.

Edited by PitchPerfect
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In such a desolate Wasteland, it's not a very big surprise that stories will be made up and told by any wayfaring individual in the Wasteland. After all, people will believe anything, right? And besides, none are true... right?
No matter what you believe, there's always a pattern underneath. As a curious story about a labyrinth that's almost a pre-War wonder of architecture passes through the settlements of Wasteland in whispers, people have been disappearing. Nothing violent or a eerie as you may think, mind you - it's often prospectors saying they're off to hunt for the alleged facility. As it seems, not many find their way back from wherever it is they think they're going. Something might drive the offset individual in the Wasteland to search for this location. Maybe it's curiosity. Maybe it's bravery. Possibly, it's foolishness.

From the deepest depth of my mind and with some inspiration from the SCP Foundation, I present to you another side storyline for this mod. In A Hint of Obscurity, you'll use a bit of all of your skills to find out what exactly all of the nonsense about an alleged utopia in the form of a facility. Sure, maybe it's not nearly as good as you'd think. But you're willing to take such a risk, aren't you?


The quest begins by hearing rumors or reading about this location. The discovery of the questline composed of three quests is very much like that of The Replicated Man from Falllout 3. The first quest is the one within which you gather information about the facility; The second takes place within it; The third is an optional quest within the location.


The second quest can be found by the player via talking to individuals who are knowledgeable on the subject. The player must acquire enough information to be encountered by the one who will lead them to the facility. Take one bit of information from each category:
Intellectual Concern:

Insane Guys:
Pinkie Pie
"Bill" (Penstreak's alternate personality; Note that the player can receive information from Bill OR Penstreak, not both)

Supernatural Concern:
Time Turner


Daring Do
Rainbow Dash

Royalty and/or Formal Concern:
Celestia and variants
Luna and Nightmare Moon (not Woona)
The Red Dragon


Upon completion of this quest, the player will be confronted by a mysterious pony at any day at exactly 11:00 PM. They will mark the player's map, give them a key, and tell them to "look for the bump in the wall." This location in question is on one side of the Colorado River in the Eastern wasteland - somewhere deep in the mountains. Upon traveling to the locations and finding a rock protruding from a flat clifflike surface, the player can unlock a secret door on the rock. It will lead to a small chamber with an airlock door. Upon entering the airlock, the quest concludes and the second one begins, as the door locks behind them, the chamber fills with gas, and the player is robbed of their belongings.</div>

This is enough information on the questline - I don't wish to spoil too much. Just know that within the facility, various odd creatures will be discovered. In most cases, the player will be defenseless, under the influence of a "pacification field" that prevents them from raising their fists. The player can, however, play a hard counter to these creatures by setting traps or using various other unique methods, such as acquiring one such item, a mask that will break after the player takes a single hit, but kills the assailant, provided they use melee.


Note that the player can only wear the jumpsuit they are provided when entering the facility - you will not be able to take it off. However, there is a chance that you can find the guard armory and acquire a ballistic vest to wear as well.\
On a side note, these armors are rendered in a very sexy and form fitting 2048x2048 pixels, that way you can feel good about yourself while being piss your pants scared. Yeah, you wear those pixels. :cool:
Note that, in order to survive in the facility, you must use stealth to your advantage. Your sneak is raised to one hundred and your enemies almost always have 3 or less Perception. The downside is that you do, as well - oh, and your compass doesn't pick up enemies. Yeah. There's that. But there's also the fact that many enemies will be scripted to lose you easily, i.e. after 10-15 seconds of being out of their sight, they will stop chasing you.
The primary cannon fodder will be a very unique type of Ghoul - more zombie than ghoul. Previews of that will come soon.
Be sure to learn from the mistakes of others. In areas no matter how seemingly safe, a dead corpse of another personnel and ESPECIALLY that of a guard signifies that you must be careful. Remember, the environment is to your advantage - using terminals to lock doors is always a safe tactic. However, some actions, no matter how seemingly minor or unintentional, can be your doom.
In the end, your actions can have an effect on various ponies throughout the Wasteland - be it good or bad. It will also decide whether or not you gain a special follower.
Much more to come from me in the near future. Tell me what you think - this is a storyline that requires as much feedback as possible.

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