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My Little Pony Follower and Race Mod Updates.


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I like it. Dark and creepy atmosphere, losing the ability to attack at all, only running and hiding, emphasis on closing doors behind you, creepy monsters and some corpses on the floor. Sounds like you also got some inspiration from Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Edited by Tripp426
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So, As soon as I get done with my SAT's, And my finals, I've got nothing to do, Accept sit around a dark room playing a game that very profoundly describes what my brain will be doing; "State of Decay"... However, And This is largly unconfirmed... After some time, I will begin training to become proficient in the Geck. Or atleast, competent, Improving my overall usefulness, And opening future doors for me in the world of fallout modding. I cannot wait.


Also, As I am indeed looking for a part-time job, I may become slightly indisposed over the summer, shutting down auxillary ports of mental engagment such as Geck proficiency training.


As my workload for this mod will most likely end up being supremly existential, It's likely, Like any other human being, I may need to take breaks. These breaks will usualy consist of a morning of solitary confinment to google documents, Totally not writing fanfiction, u guise. Lest my hobby start to feel like a job in and of it'sself.


That said, I will rush through my roles in this mod slowly, and take my time hastily, Putting out the highest possible quality acting and impersonation on the internet, and quite possibly in real life.



TL;DR: Imma lrn2GECK. Pitch Perfect Requires naps.


Also, I pretty much run on pats on the back. It's like my coffee.

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Best of luck, dude. I mess around in the GECK on occasion and I'll admit that it can be mind-numbing if you stay in there for too long, but there are so many things that can be changed. The possibilities are pretty much endless.

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...These breaks will usualy consist of a morning of solitary confinment to google documents, Totally not writing fanfiction, u guise. Lest my hobby start to feel like a job in and of it'sself.

So does that mean you'll be reading fanfiction instead? :teehee:

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Alright. Some good news. I've finished porting ALL of the assets, cutting them, cropping them, adding material to them, rigging them to the human skeleton, morphing them to the bodies, organizing them, standardizing them, and multitude of other things I can - UV mapping them - go on and on and on and on about.

So the final product is 237 objects (subtract the skeleton, two tail armatures, the camera and lamp you got 233) made up of 420433 vertexes with 830932 faces, producing a file over 91MBs. The ponies included in this round are:

Aloe Blosssom, Applejack, Babs Seed, Berry Punch, Big Macintosh, Blinkie Pie, Blues, Bon Bon, Braeburn, Cadance, Caramel, Carrot Top, Celestia, Celestial Luna (S2), Changeling, Cheerilee, Chrysalis, Cloudchaser, Crescent, Daring Do, Diamond Tiara, Ditzy, Fiddlesticks, Flam, Fleur De Li, Flim, Flitter, Floofyhoof, Fluttershy, Granny Smith, Homage, Inkie Pie, Lightning Dust, Lily, Lotus Blossom, Luna (S1), Lyra, Minuette, Molestia, Nightmare Moon, Nurse Red Heart, Octavia, Pinkamena, Pinkie Pie, Pokey Peirce, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Silver Spoon, Soarin, Sombra, Spitfire, Surprise, Thunderlane, Trixie, Twilight, Vinyl Scratch, Woona, and Zecora.

The bad news is this is FAR from done. They all need to be textured - from scratch - and I need to make the missing ponies on my list. Zecora is the only pony I never have gotten permission for. Her creator removed the download page from DA and has not return my PM yet. Everyone else has been granted from all of their respective creators, all the way back to the KP.

The Ponies left on the list to build are:

Apple Bloom, Appletart Longshot, Autumn Leaf, Azure, Blueblood, Calamity, Cloudtrail, Emerald May, Hazel, Homage, Inidouh, Jupiter, Littlepip, Mars, Nyx, Sapphire Shore, Scootaloo, Shining Armor, Snowflake, Sweetie Bell, The Red Dragon, Velvet Remedy, and Venus.



Edited by Kuroitsune
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