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Fortunately, I DO have the time to burn making daily progress reports, but unless you guys want to hear about technical stuff and more ideas that may or may not make it into the final product there's not much that can be said. Thanks to Kuro, we seem to be getting back on track and story development is going quite well at the moment. I'll try to post more here and keep this thread active, but there's not too much that can be revealed right now without spoilers being an issue.

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The only thing I will say today is that the meshes have finally all been exported in nif files. I have a few nifs left to format, and then I can add this stuff in the GECK, then add the color texture. Once that's done it's off to the beta testers for testing the performance of the models. After the results come in, I can determine the technicalities behind the models, like the limit of vertexes for each model. Some ponies' models are only 2000 vertexes (not counting the 9000 vertex body), and others go into the 10000+ vertex range.

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As soon as I fix my wibbley wobbley sleep schedual... I'm going to whip up a nice little surprise for everyone! Also, Me getting a job does not look like it will be a factor! Much to my despair and your jubilancy!


Anyway... Obviously, since my skill set is somewhat limited, The "Surprise" is a bit spoiled... But, I'm sure you get the idea. I'll be using my wordy mouth noise pit to make talky speech voice! In many different character's voices, Mainly just for gig's, But, This could also be a good time to reveiw how your OC will be sounding, And if you'll like it!

I'll pretty much say anything in any of my character's voices, Like one o' them Vociloyds! Pm me or reply on the forums for suggestions. : D (The Colon and Capital 'D' Represent a smiling face.)

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If you say "I have a shotgun!" in Penstreak's voice, I will love you.


Speaking of OCs, Biggs' new reference -





One for The Red Dragon coming soon. I have a feeling that you guys have seen Penstreak and Psalm already.

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Ah yes. I've been in the unemployed situation a couple of times. It's great to have a ton of free time but not so great to have very restricted access to that green stuff (of which most people refer to as "cash" or "money"). I do like the visual improvement of Biggs, though. However, I'm not sure if it's the look you're going for but he looks high as hell with those red eyes haha.

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