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Log Entry: Pony Races


Author: Anastasia Gilfuhrur


Date: 12/4/2274


The Colony has recently seen an influx of ponies escaping the Canadian Unified Nationalists' extermination attempts. The ponies that come to the Colony are eager to participate in it's defense and prosperity in return for haven from the CUN, or C**** as some of ponies have deemed them. The colonists are rather excepting of the ponies, save for a few families that will eventually fall in line with the others, but the immigration department is still dealing with a great amount of stress. Finding placement in the colony for the ponies is easy, but classifying them is not as easy as it was first thought. Over the last decade, we've seen different types of ponies, so simply classifying them as a pony does not do them justice. Some have wings, and they call themselves Pegasus, after the mythical beast of burden that dawned a set of wings. Others have horns, like a Unicorn, and are called such.


Even then it's not that simple, there are clearly subspecies of these pony types, but the ponies themselves do not separate them out with a different name, but call them by their main species group. This confuses the folks at the department, and have taken it upon themselves to come up with their classifications for all of the pony races based on knowledge from simple observation and word of mouth from the ponies themselves.


Earth Pony – Or simply 'pony' is the basic pony race, having no special abilities, horn, or wings. They are very durable though, and they can easily keep themselves in shape with their high metabolism. Most of them have become soldiers or practice the more dangerous occupations in the Colony.


Zebra – At first glance they appear to be normal ponies, but they are characterized by their unique stripes and unlike their earth pony cousins, do not have the same metabolism or durability. They have a great sense about the earth, and have a much higher rate of survival over other ponies.


Crystal Pony – Never actually seen as of yet, but they are like regular ponies with the exception of their skin and fur, which give off a slight luminescence in sunlight. I'm not sure why, but it is also stated that they have a fondness of Crystals and other precious gems.


Pegasus – Winged ponies, having a smaller and lighter frame than all others to give them the ability to fly. They often choose to become scouts for resources and adventure into the most dangerous places in the Wyoming Wastelands.


Chiroptera Pegasus – Much like their Pegasus relatives, but they have slitted iris and Bat like wings instead of the Swan wings of the normal Pegasus. They often sleep during the day and enjoy the night, their eyes giving them the ability to see in the dark, making them effective spies and lookouts.


Fairie Pegasus – Like Pegasus Ponies, but they have Fairie wings, giving them a more beautiful appearance than their winged brethren. Their wings shimmer slightly, but have no special abilities over their cousins.


Pixie Pegasus – Only one has come through the Colony, not staying long, only passing through to the Mojave if I remember. She was very small, but exactly like Fairie Ponies in all other regards. They appear to have no other abilities than getting into small places easily.


Unicorn – Their only physical difference is their horn, a grooved aperture in which they can use their magic. Even if the horn is broken, they can still cast magic, but at a reduced power. Their magical abilities are a mystery, but range from purely medical to violent. Though their magic seems to break the laws of physics, they cannot create matter from nothing, or perform Alchemy.


Destrier – A type of unicorn, defined by a smooth, bent back horn used to cast magic, and have slitted iris to see in the dark. Unlike Unicorns, a Destrier's magic is purely to kill and gore. Only three have ever come to the Colony, and despite their preconceived villainy they have been very peaceful and caring. They also display a unique magic ability to communicate telepathically.


Alicorn – A rare breed, having only four known ponies fitting this species, Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, and the former leader of the mafia in the northern wastes, Jupiter. They have a Unicorn's horn, and the wings of a Pegasus, and they also display all of the qualities of Earth ponies as well. Alicorns are said to be made, not breed.


Nightmare – A form of Alicorn, having Chiroptera like wings and slitted iris to see in the dark. Only one existed, and has been killed, by word of mouth that is, by Princess Celestia.


Changeling – These creatures cannot be defined as ponies. They have hooves, a mane and horse's tail, but their appearance is wholly insect like. They have no fur, and their skin is hard like that of an insects carapace, and they have insect like wings. At first glance their eyes look insect like, but are not compounded as once believed. Their eyes have an extra layer to keep the extremes of the environment from damaging their sensitive eyes. Ponies despise Changelings, but few, if any, have caused any problems on their own.


Alpha Changeling – Much like Changelings, but have a more dominating appearance. Just that alone does not give them enough to be considered a subspecies, but their wings are much larger and their eyes do not have the extra defensive layer, showing off their slitted iris of multiple tones. Only one has come to Colony and unfortunately met an untimely fate at the hands of several ponies. The ponies in question were hung in public view for their crimes in an attempt to show that no tolerance to mindless hatred will be had.

Edited by Kuroitsune
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Yeah, man, they hate ponies because ponies like their bacon to be cut in strips. Anyhow, yeah Biggs' eyes are red because he is Applejack's hated redneck cousin who is stoned or drunk pretty much all the time, and if he stopped, he would die pretty quickly from the severe withdrawals.

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Yeah man, strips are the only way to eat bacon. Well I'm guessing that if Biggs is to be a companion, he would have to constantly be given some form of alcohol (as well as weed if the the Marijuana Plant mod by MadNuttah is installed) or else he eventually dies? Something tells me that he wouldn't get along very well with Cass or Berry Punch. :teehee:

Edited by Tripp426
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He is able to make his own booze like Cass does though. Frankly, I'm more interested in the adventures I'm going to have playing as Molestia with Penstreak as my companion. C:< "Hey Penstreak, you know what would be hot, if you like, got in the way of my gunfire when I'm shooting up Westside while I'm high on PCP."

Edited by DOOMdestroyer360
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