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No Shock and/or Frost Sheild in Enchanting Alter


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Hey Folks,


I want to enchant a full set of glass armor with the cuirass having fire shield, the greaves having shock shield, the shield having frost shield, the helmet with fortify intelligence, the boots fortify speed or agility and the gauntlets fortify blade but to my chagrin there is no shock and/or frost shield enchantments available in any of the enchanting alters repertoires.....??


This is very perplexing as I've read that fire, shock and frost shield are the three most optimum enchantments for armor.


I am trying to enchant these items using grand gems with grand souls.


So what am I missing in regards to enchanting the greaves and shield with shock and frost shield respectively?? I've already enchanted the cuirass with fire shield. BTW I do have an alteration skill of 50.


Jeffron the Confused

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Do you have a frost/fire shield spell in your listed spells (and are able to cast it)? Here's the link to the UESPWiki page on Enchanting. I always prefer the elemental shield enchantments available from sigil stones myself.

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