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Armour Variations WIP *Need Texture Artist


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I've decided to take on a little project from a mod request I made a while ago. I am going to make craftable armour variations to Skyrim. Hopefully, defualt NPCs will also be able to spawn with custom armours, but that's not what's important right now.


What I need is somebody who is good at using GIMP (or whatever other program you might use) to help me with textures. I can't understand the thing at all. Nothing looks like anything, and I can't find something to help me figure it out, so I'd like to collaborate with somebody for the textures. If anybody could help, that'd be great. Just leave a reply to this topic and I'll get back to you.

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I'm pretty good at textures! I made the 9 different textures of the helmet in the mod in my signature in a single afternoon! I have photoshop and Paint.NET though, this makes it a lot easier.


If it's just recoloring, I can do it all dya long, but actual edits, or edits to the normal map, I am not AS experienced.

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I just need somebody who will be able to make textures for custom meshes as I complete them. Can you do that? If so, it'd be great.


I can't make sense of the images or open the files in any program besides GIMP, so there's no way I'd be able to make the textures.

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I just need somebody who will be able to make textures for custom meshes as I complete them. Can you do that? If so, it'd be great.


I can't make sense of the images or open the files in any program besides GIMP, so there's no way I'd be able to make the textures.

If there is an existing texture I can edit it and change it, but like I said, I have no experience with normal maps (the weird purple and pink textures that tell the textures where to go on the mesh) So I can't make textures from scratch.
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I just need somebody who will be able to make textures for custom meshes as I complete them. Can you do that? If so, it'd be great.


I can't make sense of the images or open the files in any program besides GIMP, so there's no way I'd be able to make the textures.

If there is an existing texture I can edit it and change it, but like I said, I have no experience with normal maps (the weird purple and pink textures that tell the textures where to go on the mesh) So I can't make textures from scratch.


Sorry for taking so long to respond to this.


So, I plan on making custom meshes, not just textures. Would you be able to edit the textures to fit new meshes? The normal maps don't seem to hard to me, I could probably do them myself. It's just one colour for lighter and one for darker right?

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I just need somebody who will be able to make textures for custom meshes as I complete them. Can you do that? If so, it'd be great.


I can't make sense of the images or open the files in any program besides GIMP, so there's no way I'd be able to make the textures.

If there is an existing texture I can edit it and change it, but like I said, I have no experience with normal maps (the weird purple and pink textures that tell the textures where to go on the mesh) So I can't make textures from scratch.


Sorry for taking so long to respond to this.


So, I plan on making custom meshes, not just textures. Would you be able to edit the textures to fit new meshes? The normal maps don't seem to hard to me, I could probably do them myself. It's just one colour for lighter and one for darker right?


Just wanted to chime in about the normal map bit...


Normal maps are basically a way to fake lighting with the goal of adding more form/detail without the extra geo. Each of the colors is a vector for light direction so it's a bit more complicated than one color for lighter and one for darker.


If you are hand-painting normal maps and not ripping the information from a high poly mesh, the best way to go about it is creating a black and white image (darks for lows, whites for highs) and then converting the grayscale image to a normal map using nVidia Photoshop Filter, Crazybump, xNormal, or any number of other programs out there.


If you have a pre-made normal map that you are trying to fit to a new mesh/UV set, do not rotate the normal map in any way or else the lighting information will be incorrect! It may not be noticeable on small details, but larger forms will look wildly incorrect in-game.


If you need more information, feel free to PM me.

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I just need somebody who will be able to make textures for custom meshes as I complete them. Can you do that? If so, it'd be great.


I can't make sense of the images or open the files in any program besides GIMP, so there's no way I'd be able to make the textures.

If there is an existing texture I can edit it and change it, but like I said, I have no experience with normal maps (the weird purple and pink textures that tell the textures where to go on the mesh) So I can't make textures from scratch.


Sorry for taking so long to respond to this.


So, I plan on making custom meshes, not just textures. Would you be able to edit the textures to fit new meshes? The normal maps don't seem to hard to me, I could probably do them myself. It's just one colour for lighter and one for darker right?


Just wanted to chime in about the normal map bit...


Normal maps are basically a way to fake lighting with the goal of adding more form/detail without the extra geo. Each of the colors is a vector for light direction so it's a bit more complicated than one color for lighter and one for darker.


If you are hand-painting normal maps and not ripping the information from a high poly mesh, the best way to go about it is creating a black and white image (darks for lows, whites for highs) and then converting the grayscale image to a normal map using nVidia Photoshop Filter, Crazybump, xNormal, or any number of other programs out there.


If you have a pre-made normal map that you are trying to fit to a new mesh/UV set, do not rotate the normal map in any way or else the lighting information will be incorrect! It may not be noticeable on small details, but larger forms will look wildly incorrect in-game.


If you need more information, feel free to PM me.


Thanks, One question, wouldn't black and white images already be grayscale? Or would it simple blend the colours and make them less dramatically different?

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Thanks, One question, wouldn't black and white images already be grayscale? Or would it simple blend the colours and make them less dramatically different?


Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was using black/white and grayscale interchangeably. So yes, they are grayscale. :)


Typically, you'll want that gradient from white to black when coverting grayscale images to normal map. Without it, the edge will be much sharper and will not "catch" as much light in game. This can make the detail look flat and polygonal instead of having depth.

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You might consider joining the Crafting 300 team.


They are already working on an armor variant mod, and they were the ones who did the same thing for weapons.



It sounds like a good idea, but it's does more than what I was hoping to with this mod. Some things I likd but others were quite odd to me.





Thanks, One question, wouldn't black and white images already be grayscale? Or would it simple blend the colours and make them less dramatically different?


Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was using black/white and grayscale interchangeably. So yes, they are grayscale. :smile:


Typically, you'll want that gradient from white to black when coverting grayscale images to normal map. Without it, the edge will be much sharper and will not "catch" as much light in game. This can make the detail look flat and polygonal instead of having depth.


So it would be light and dark? It still sounds quite easy to be honest.

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