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Skyrim CTD


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Hi, I reinstalled skyrim since I noticed that when I install .esp files (yes, all .esp files) my game tends to CTD.

When I reinstalled it, my skyrim still keeps on CTDing. I almost cried trying to find the culprit but to no avail. Any ideas? Anyone who happened to have had this problem before and fixed it? PLEASE.

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Before anyone can really help, you will need to post up your load order.


it will also help to know what version of skyrim you are using, what version of SKSE (if you have it), whether you have used BOSS to sort your load order, and whether you have cleaned your mods using TES5Edit

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When you re-installed Skyrim did you delete all your old pref files prior to the install? If you don't know then you probably did not. Most likely they were over written but one way to check is to go into your user folder and delete them. Search for "SkyrimPrefs.ini." and "Skyrim.ini" in a "My Documents" (or similar name) folder. When you start the game again they will be re-installed.


Make sure it was a clean install - Go to Steam / Library and right click on the Skyrim entry in the upper left corner. Go all the way down to Properties and choose that. Third tab, "Local Files", choose the last option "Verify Integrity...". This will take a while. Once it is done it will install good files in place of bad ones next time the game is started.


When you say you install .esp files are you saying that you are manually installing mods? If so, follow the readme's very carefully. Nexus Mod Manager or other mod manager will do this for you painlessly.


After (if) you install mods are you using B.O.S.S. (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) to sort the mods? It will also warn you of conflicts and/or missing parent files.


If you are using mods which ones are you using? SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) is needed for a few. BOSS will warn you of this, iirc.


Could post much more but there are already full blown posts on this so I'll leave it at that.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Morashtak
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this may be related to my problem. I'm having the same issue since the latest update the official 1.9 one. the crashes happen completely random and no clear attempts to troubleshot work at all.


I reinstalled too, but here is the weird thing. your load order does not have to do with the issue I've eliminated it because I unsubscribed to all my steam mods but kept them so I could retrace and reacquire them later. I then also removed all nexus mods as well, so basically I purified my game to the basest of basic down to only official Bethesda content only this means mods are completely unresponsive for this problem. this also means that its an issue on the companies end.


i then tried to figure this out through steam itself and verified my game cache, guess what happened it had to reacquire one file, I thought OK well problem solved right? wrong issue persisted, so I then ran and verified my game cache again same result, so just to be thorough I did it twice IN A ROW BACK TO BACK and found something really odd. It had to reacquire the same file both times and keep in mind this on a pure unmodded version of the game so something steam is doing to the game is deleting the file that causing the crashes.

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  On 3/29/2013 at 6:06 PM, Dohkaviin said:

... I never understood a bit of what you just said... :(

Sorry, I'll try and be more clear.


when you add a mod to skyrim the mod is added to a list which the game then works through, loading each mod in turn as the game loads. If two mods edit the same record, the mod that is later in the load order is the one that takes effect in the game. Often this can cause game issues if you are running mods that should be loaded in a specific order.


as this is often a cause of issues, posting up the list of your mods (in the order that they load) can help people suggest what may be wrong with your game.


I would advise using a program such as Wrye Bash or the Nexus Mod Manager to install your mods (my personal preferences is Wrye Bash, but to each his own), as they allow you to install and uninstall mods without worrying that you have missed any critical files (or left any residual files after removing a mod).


Another common causes of issues is the so-called dirty edits. After correcting your load order (using BOSS), your next step should be to check and clean each mod individually using TES5Edit (more details can be found here: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:TES5Edit).


Certain mods also rely on the Skyrim Script Extender (or SKSE) in order to function correctly, and if you are running an older version than the one your mods require this could also cause some issues.

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this may be something similar to what happened with the 1.7 patch, it caused several people to have these random crashes with no way to replicate or cause them reliably or with any sort of pattern. also the issue seemed to stop entirely when they finally allowed the game to use and recognize larger system memory larger than 2 gigs. I recently installed a new video card and some ram that has four gigs of memory so it shouldn't be having this issue.


Ive seen several threads both here and on the official game site about others having this exact same issue, and I myself have proven that it has nothing to do whatsoever with any mods which we install. I have also had all my papyrus logs checked for any issue that should at least give a clue as to why it keeps crashing and came up empty there too. so i am officially stumped here i have even run a clean unmodded and absolutely removed of any contributory reason for these random crashes, and yet still nothing.


this is a base game problem but all anyone want to do is point fingers and say its either user error or some mods fault. good luck convincing anyone otherwise I gave up.

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I believe we are experience the same issue this began as a result of the Patch for skyrim which required me to change my game, which i had no problem in doing. From that point on i ran into a string of issues this passing weekend which i posted in my thread here:




Essentially i did 4 logs on all mods and dlc w/ SKSE (the mods were not even the issue), DG and all DG mods w/ SKSE, Vanilla and all Vanilla mods w/ SKSE, and just plain Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and Texture packs No SKSE.

TESEdit Cleaning for Master files

WyreBash and BOSS optimization


If your experiencing any of the same symptoms as i am any help would be greatly appreciated and potential fixes to be posted either here or in that thread would help everyone tremendously. Much thanks in advance and Have a nice day :)

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  • 1 month later...

So I have been getting CTD when I leave a cell. Theres a loading screen and I can see my character for a split second before it CTD and im not sure what is causing this. Heres my load order:


  Reveal hidden contents

If anyone could help, I would appriciate it a lot!

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  • 1 month later...

I have a CTD when I leave one area to go to another through a door. I presume that is what you call a cell.

my mod order is :




Caliente body mod (CBBE slim edition)

Dragonbone circlet

Green water fix V2.0 Compatible

Luscious faces (Photo Realistic Female Faces)

Lustmord Vampire Armor

Take my Wife ... Please!

Guard Dialogue Overhaul (Lite)

Riverside Lodge With Sauna


I see there are many CTD's but the one above and mine are the only ones that I have been written about in the forums.

If anybody can help, please do.

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