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Portable Skyrim?


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Well, you can back-up your entire skyrim folder;

Format, install skyrim, copy-paste the back-up over the your vanilla copy and you're done.


You might have to reinstall any other tool, though, but it shouldn't be more taxing than reinstalling all the mods.

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I have to format my cpu

What the...? :huh:


Anyway, portable Skyrim is a maybe, I manged to make a working portable Fallout 3 once (on a Debian Live USB through Wine prefix) but it was utterly unstable due to slow loading from a USB flash drive. :(


On Windows you would have to copy Steam, the entire game, the mod manager and your mods folder to the flash drive with the same folder structure it had on your HDD but you would have to leave your saves on the HDD in Documents. Then you'd have to start the mod manager and switch the mod location to your flash drive under options. After that, you'd have to delete everything in the Steam folder except Steam.exe and steamapps and then start steam to re-download itself, otherwise it might not work.


The downside is that you wouldn't be able to save onto the flash drive but you might be able to somehow set up a sync between the saves folder on your HDD and the one on your flash drive. Maybe. :unsure:


And finally, all this might or might not work, not sure. :confused:




Other than that, all you can do is backup your game folder, saves and the folder in which your manager mods are stored (if using a mod manager to get/install mods). Here's how to do so:


Copy steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/ -this will backup your entire game

Copy Users/*username/Documents/My Games/Skyrim -this will backup your saves and ini files

Find the mods and install info location in your mod manager and copy those folders

Edited by Werne
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You can load Skyrim from different HDDs using 'mklink' http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753194(v=ws.10).aspx although I've never tried it with a persistent install after reformatting the hard drive, I would think you would have problems with Steam possibly. This would work with all programs but any registry files would not be preserved.

The only way I could see you being able to pull this off and retain all the important files would be to make a home sever (separate PC).


As for NMM, I believe if you copy the 'Mods' & 'Install Info' folders somewhere and link the new path up with NMM it works. I deleted the Overwrites and .BAK files in the Install Info folder as it was for a new Skyrim installation.

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