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Legendary difficulty makes Werewolf form useless.


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Legendary should have done what mods did, have their difficulty increase mean everyone hits harder and everyone has less HP, so you die faster (and die from an arrow to a head), but so do your opponents (if you know how to dodge/block and time your attacks)

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Okay, fine. I, too, would LOVE a difficulty setting that makes mobs smarter, not just them stronger, me weaker. I think most ES players would. So, let's help out the like-minded modders (Bethesda will never do it).


What, specifically, would make a "smarter" or "more difficult" mob, in the way we are talking about? Skill levels (more damage, less magicka cost, better armor) would certainly seem to be a PART of it, at least. New spells? Tactics? Better use of potions? Teamwork? More insidious traps? Myst-like puzzles to gain entrance to places or access to things? Or, make it harder for the player to level or access magic, maybe.


What, exactly, could we change to make it more challenging and less frustrating at higher difficulty? I'm not very creative; I play games, I don't make them. But if we can get some specific ideas, maybe a creative modder can implement some of them.


Whaddaya think? Worth talking about?

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lols i fighted once imperial solders i knoked out 5 with one reagular claw strike made them fly 10 yards all 5 on cirt ifi rimber correcly i have 1500 damage as standar damge as werewolf + 6x damage on cirt and one atatck hits multi targets. Edited by rogue007
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increased difficulty isn't fun when you just find a different way to get around it.


Then, by that logic, you should be against equipment improvement, and skill increases :wink:

well, i ment broken ways. npcs become awesome so why not get an npc to kill them and just stand back firing a few fireballs.

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