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Having trouble installing mods for mac ):


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Well I'm using a Cider Wrapper skyrim for my mac and for this past like yr I just can't get things working mod wise :/

some mods activate , some dont activate at all and some like ... half way active


For example: Trying to download hairstyles

specifically Lightning Farron's from Final Fantasy 13-2 on here


and When I go in and put my meshes and textures

then go into my game , the hairstyle shows not all the hair


Or even with Apaciiskyhair not all the hairstyles show up

they come up bald O.O


Also having trouble activating my Face mods , which really sucks because at one point I believe I had Bella's better females working and then one day trying to remove a mod , i must of deleted something I wasn't suppose to ? and now the mod doesnt want to work all together ...


Any ideas?

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I run Windows 7 so I don't know a lot about Mac (mainly that it isn't Microsoft and that is good enough for me to want one).

Maybe these videos can help ya.







Well the problem with this is that I've seen those , and thats exactly what I'm doing yet some things just refuse to show up x.x


thanks though :/

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Well Macs cant run NMM because its exe

so I have to manually put them in

I go into data and depending if I the mod has meshes or textures

I put them in their appropriate folders within the data folder

and if there is a Esp or esm I need to activate, I go into local settings>skyrim> then put it in my Plugins.txt


I also have Skyrim.esm first and then so on , so I know thats not the problem

I can't figure out why the textures and meshes won't show up when I load the game :/

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I read that Skyrim for Mac has problems loading files without an .esp file (loose files). There is a line in the Skyrim Pref.ini (located next to the save folder) that might help. It is located under Launcher in the ini file, bLoadLooseFiles=1. Also try and lock the file, heard that they tend to repair themselves.

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I never heard of locking files till a couple minutes ago.


Right click on the file.

Go to Get Info

Check the lock box


To Unlock same thing.


Always best to back it up in a different folder to be safe. (I have three full backups of my skiyrim data)

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Glad I ran into this topic. I have a Mac and want to start using it more instead of my PCs, so am posting here mainly so I can find this again when I need it.


Please post back if/when you get things straightened out to let us know what the solution is.

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O I just remmebered (my spelling sucks), there is a way to have Windows OS on your Mac computer. It's called Apples Boot Camp, it installs Windows on a seperate part of the computer. It allows Mac users to run Windows only programs, completely forgot about that.


(Personally I would use that as a last resort, not a fan of Microsoft anymore all they do is crash my computer with there constant updating)

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