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Having trouble installing mods for mac ):


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... It allows Mac users to run Windows only programs ...

That has been suggested to me before but the entire reason I got this Mac is because I have totally sworn off Windows. Why would I want to degrade my Mac for something I still have other computers for?
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Dart98Rock, on 30 Mar 2013 - 00:57, said:

I read that Skyrim for Mac

There's no Skyrim version for Mac, thus no official support for running Skyrim on Mac.


Skyrim for PC is optimized to run in Windows, and will run better in Windows than it will on Mac. If a Mac user has a legal copy of Skyrim for PC, they are better off installing Bootcamp and setting up a dual-boot partition so they can run Skyrim natively in Windows. There is a Steam client for Mac, but can you patch Skyrim for PC via Steam when running it on a Mac....? :rolleyes:

Edited by ripple
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My interest is with other games that do have Mac versions. I recently noticed there are Mods for Dragon Age 2 ... which I have installed on my Mac.
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Another thing that might work. In your Skyrim.ini file there is a section called archive. If you can make all of the replacer mods that do not have a .esp/.esm into a .bsa archive (Textures/Meshes). Only way I know how to do that is Fallout Mod Manager (the Creation Kit might have one). You can add the .bsa archive names to the Archive list in the Skyrim.ini file after the vanilla ones.

Not a hundred percent on this but can't think of anything It would harm.
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