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rocket proppeled chainsaw.


i actually just giggled IRL like a little girl o_O


that...is just awesome.


on a side note. a Doom 1 style chainsaw would be far better than any chainsaw bayonette. you know you loved that sound of "squish" from back in the day

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"Chainsaw Bayonets"? pfft...




I kid you not someone made a SWEP of that in Garry's Mod 10.

It's so much fun.

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More like this, Fallout 3 needs a 2 handed Chainsaw that doesn't obstruct 1st person view or have that sissy ripper noise. Needs a RRRRAAWWWRRRHMMM Chainsaw noise of badassness. Thought this thread should be bumped since i was about to suggest the exact same thing.

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There is something very important to any post apocalyptic scenario - and that thing is the very right to wade through the scattered remains of your enemies with a full-sized, industrial strength chainsaw still revving. There was recently a "chainsaw sword" mod released on the site - which is nothing like what im talking about. Think Doom 3 in terms of chainsaw design, and operation. Something that would be very important is an extremely long durability. Also, don't let limits in current technology affect your judgement on operation or longevity of the chainsaw (gasoline for example is blatantly not consumed pre war - all the nuclear cars and what not; advanced alloys would carve through even the sturdiest armor with dulling the chains.) And please if you do make a chainsaw do not use the default ripper sounds for it - they are absolutely obnoxious - if those are the realistic chainsaw on metal sounds then hollywood that guy up, or remove the sound altogether.


I have seen some damn fine work from quite a few modders on this site. Hopefully, you guys will pull through for the rest of us because I have no clue how to do this myself. As a side note - Mars Attacks alien invasion - think about it people.



The DLC "The Pitt" is going to add something similar to a chainsaw acording to some pc computer magazines. See "www.1up.com".

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