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Need some help with UNP-UNPB body models


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As the title of this thread says,but with a minor detail that i am really useless with computers and modding overall.I have only used nmm so far.
I was motivated to try using unp body models because of http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30027 but for some reason i cant get it to work when using nmm,it causes clipping with armor and disscolored body parts for some reason when using it in combination with this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709.Am i not supposed to use these 2 mods together or what?

Can some one please help me by posting a step by step guide how to create a beautifull charracter using the above unp body model,tattoes and smooth face.Such as the one i attached. :wallbash:

Edited by florien
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You'll need to install some sort of UNP compatible armor replacer as well, such as This One. What happens is, the texture for the UNP body gets applied to the body underneath the armor, so if the armor is not UNP compatible, it won't look right.

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It does not really cause clipping with armor,it causes neck clipping when nude (the back skin runs over the neck for some reason) and the color clips aswell,the head is not a same color as the rest of the body,what i really should do is start all over and some one should guide me step-by-step how to customize my charracter from scratch.

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Perhaps try installing just the base UNP body first, and see if that looks alright, and proceed from there with additional installations. Also, it may be helpful if you post an image of the problem you're having.

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Thank you korun,will try that out in a moment so stay tuned to the thread,i got intigued in using an unp configuration pack i found.

It seems to have everything i need except face texturing (although in the config menu when installing it lets me choose face options)...

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