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Nexus Mod Manager crashes when trying to activate SkyUI


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I installed the current version of the NMM yesterday and at first everything went smoothly. I managed to install SkyUI and two other mods just fine. And I can activate two out of the three without problems. However when I activate SkyUI, the manager crashes.


It seems to be caused by a BEX64 error, with MSVCR80.dll being at fault or something. I am running this on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit Edition.



One thing I noticed is that I can reproduce this error in a different way. To make installing and uninstalling SKSE a bit more convenient, I followed a guide and put the installable script files into an archive and made a "custom mod" with that. So I can easily remove or add them via the manager. This also works perfectly fine but whenever I select this custom mod and click the "Get missing mod info" button, I get the same error and crash as described above.



So I guess whatever causes this crash has to be involved with both of those operations. I have no idea what I could do now. I already tried restarting my machine, reinstalling the manager and reinstalling the mods but all of that seemingly did nothing.

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First of all, thank you for answering. I reinstalled that Visual C++ Redistributable, but unfortunately that didn't solve the problem.


On a different note: I just discovered there is a subforum here for reporting bugs and crashes with the NMM. This topic should probably better go there, shouldn't it? I went ahead and opened a new topic over there. I guess this topic here can be closed now.

Edited by Virsalus
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yes there is a beta forum, with all known related error/problem, should have mention it in first place

sorry if it doesn't solve your problem, it did for me with the same kind of error.



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