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Mouse Jerking


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Hi, i've only just started playing Skyrim and the only problem i have is that when im indoors e.g. cave or house. When i look up or down it's jerk's. I have it updated to 1.9 and i have also tried doing the SkyrimPrefs.ini tweaking. Any other way to sort this out, as it is really annoying and ruining my gameplay.



Windows 7 Home Premium - 64 Bit - SP1

Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz - 3.60GHz

8GB Installed RAM

AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series





Just tested a few thing's as well, i've tried running it on lowest setting's and there is still the same amount of lag on the mouse when looking up and down indoors. When i use 3rd person mode and look up and down, there is no mouse lag. :blink:

Edited by kyleford2012
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What ini changes did you make?

If you haven't already, You could try disabling radial blur, disabling mouse acceleration, or playing with your mouse cursor speed and/or sensitivity.

If you aren't using a gamepad, have you disabled that?


Mouse lagging can also be related to your general graphics settings--does the lag occur when you have everything turned down to the lowest setting?

Also, are you using your native resolution for your monitor?



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I have changed the following, iPresentInterval and bMouseAcceleration. There's nothing wrong with the mouse, tested other games and no problem (Just skyrim). I have disabled the gamepad option. Yes, the lag still occurs while playing lowest settings. And Skyrim is set to the screens native resolution.

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