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Ooh a kitty!


DO WANT. :biggrin:


Will the mod also be able to be used as stand alone? I do not use FWE or MMM.


Yeah, the plan at present, due to the unique nature of the cats and some new planned behaviours, is that the mod will be standalone, but fully compatible with FWE and MMM.


Oh, Progress Update:


So far we have the mechanics (stats, abilities, locations etc.) of the mod laid out, and we are going through some concept pics for the cats (Feel free to contribute, by the way!). We're also writing a backstory, which will form a large part of the mods "integration" into a world supposedly lacking in cats. (Lore is actually unsure on this, but it says that the last "known" cat is long since gone. These cats will have been "reintroduced" a decade or three before the appearance of the Lone Wanderer.)


Once more, your ideas and criticisms are welcome, but for future reference I have started a new thread in "General Modification Talk", link below.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I am also working on a cat mod. I have just started to work on modding in general, so sadly it will be a long time in development, but when I've made significant progress, I will gladly post it. The angle that I plan to work with is a bit different. I intend to add an underground laboratory beneath an abandoned pet shop (added by me for the mod) near the edge of Springvale. Inside the laboratory is a geneticist (voiced by me) who is attempting a wide-scale biodiversity project. Her pet project however, is engineering super-cats capable of surviving the wasteland, but designed to aid and assist humans, rather than just going feral and being counterproductive. She has designed these super-cats to each have their own special talents, somewhat suited to their breed. The only hang-up in her experiment is her lack of field testing, and as such she is willing to let the wanderer keep one of her cats in exchange for in depth reports on the cat's behavior. She will explain the special abilities designed into each breed when asked, to help the player in selection. Each cat companion will grant a unique, selectable perk, based on their breed talent at level 12, and their ability will scale through leveling. There's more to it, but I'll explain in the future when I have more done. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person working on a cat mod. I hope we both succeed.
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  • 7 months later...

This is in fact the user Lynx the Ultimate, and I regret to say that all work on my Catmeat mod has ceased to to issues with health and family over the past year. I'm sorry if I've disappointed anyone, but unfortunately I won't be making mods for the community in the foreseeable future. Thank you all for your interest in my idea.


Sincerely, Lynx the Ultimate,


Now "JohnAracle".

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