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Skin Tone option not saved


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I have a strange issue where when I select the skin tone for my character it will revert back to the default setting if I enter or exit a building. Does anyone have this issue?


I have a lot of mods installed:

Helmless Warrior

Better Females By Bella Natural Edition

Temptress Race

Quick Start - Skip The Opening Sequence


Seductive Lips HD

DIMONIZED UNP female body with HD map

UNP Female Armors

Immersive Armors



Everything else seems fine aside from the odd time some of the armors lose color or texture altogether, but I had that before and I never had issues with changing skin color.


I have this issue when creating a new character or through using the openracemenu from the console.


I can try switching out mods to see what happens, but before I delve into that I'm hoping someone is familiar with this issue and can help me out without having to do so.



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For those running into this problem it appeared to be the load order of the mods. After disabling the mods and enabling them it worked fine. Can't really tell you which mod was the culprit though.

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