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How to make time stop in skyrim?


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Open the console and type "set timescale to 0" without quotations to freeze time, a value of 1 advances time as in the real world, and a value of 20 is what the game normally uses.

That doesn't really work, sure it stops the time, but it makes the game glitch out. Things stop rendering and it gets unstable.

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Yeah, after setting it to 0 now my game renders everything black.... The game doesn't crash or whatever it just doesn't render anything. does anyone know how to fix this without deleting the entire game? Edited by hiddenderek
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did you reset the timescale to a value above 5?


if you can't do it through the console, get Wrye Bash and in that put the bashed patch 0 file at the bottom of the load order

right click on it and then select rebuild patch

check the box for tweaks and select tweaks

check the box for timescale and that should sort it out


if it still doesn't render correctly, choose load from the main skyrim menu and load a previous save

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