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Vampire lord glitch?


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I just became a vampire lord then decided to use the race menu to get normal eyes but then i couldn't finish the quest because the guy said i had to be a vampire(so i guess getting normal eyes meant im not a vampire anymore) so i just decided to turn into vampire lord and revert and that worked out but now town guards are attacking me even when im in human form. is there any way to fix this?

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Someone else around here could probably explain this better and more accurately than me, but here we go.

Vampires have their own races apart from their mortal counterparts. For example, if your character is a Nord and then becomes a vampire, the character's race changes to the Nord Vampire race. When you used the race menu to edit your character, you actually changed your character from the vampire race back to his/her original race (e.g. Nord, High Elf, whatever). Since you sort of "forced" this change through the race menu, I think your character became glitched, hence why you could still turn into a vampire lord after reverting to a non-vampire race.

Unless someone more knowledgeable than me has a better solution, I suggest you revert to a save from before you messed around with the race menu and a.) just deal with the vampire eyes as is or b.). look for a mod that lets you have normal eyes while a vampire.

Edited by dukesilver28
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