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Weird expanding rings in sky


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Does anybody have any idea what this could be?








I'm using Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Night Sky, I guess they're the only mods that could affect this.. but I've tried deactivating them and it's still there. I've updated my nVidia drivers.


Thank you for any help.

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I had that when I used enhanced night skyrim. I assumed it was artifacting, since I have a lower-end card (Geforce 9800 GT). It may be, though that the artifacting is related to an incompatibility with the file and your card's settings, or a driver issue (not just resources being overtaxed, as I assumed at the time.) I'd suggest trying a few of the different available versions of that mod, if you want to uise it, and maybe look at using a post-processor as the mod author suggests (if your system can handle it.) You could also try fiddling with your card's settings a bit, maybe? Personally, I just removed the mod and the rings went away, since I have limited resources. I loved the stars and nebulae with that mod, though!


BTW I didn't have CoT, so I think that mod is unrelated to the issue.

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The rings are barely visible. Maybe it's just the skybox.


I seem to have a problem with screenshots coming out darker than they actually are.. They are definitely more noticeable in-game. And when it's quite a bright day rather than a dark night, of course.


What are your system specs, including your monitor? And do you use an ENB?


i5 2500k OC'd to 3.6GHz


GTX 560 Ti


Monitor is a BenQ 24'', using DVI. 1920x1080 res


Nope I don't use an ENB



I had that when I used enhanced night skyrim. I assumed it was artifacting, since I have a lower-end card (Geforce 9800 GT). It may be, though that the artifacting is related to an incompatibility with the file and your card's settings, or a driver issue (not just resources being overtaxed, as I assumed at the time.) I'd suggest trying a few of the different available versions of that mod, if you want to uise it, and maybe look at using a post-processor as the mod author suggests (if your system can handle it.) You could also try fiddling with your card's settings a bit, maybe? Personally, I just removed the mod and the rings went away, since I have limited resources. I loved the stars and nebulae with that mod, though!


BTW I didn't have CoT, so I think that mod is unrelated to the issue.


Alright I'll try removing it again. It is a shame but like you say if my computer can't deal with it, I'll have to accept it :smile:


Thanks for the replies guys.


EDIT: Nope, even wiithout Enhanced Night I still get the problem. Oh well, guess I'll just have to stick with it for now, try not to look up to the heavens...

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