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permanent idle


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I'm working on a mod right now that creates little dolls (shrink people down and put outfits on them and put them on shelves and stuff). Just for giggles I got Umpa's dance mod and have been making them dance. However, when I leave the room and return they have stopped dancing. I want to make the animations semi-permanent so that it persists if I leave the room and/or turn the game off. Anyone know of a good way to do this without a huge amount of scripting? I would really like to do it so that every time I enter the room they are doing a different dance.

Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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I use a 'personalized' version of Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions to get the girls I've added to my various houses to dance when I come visit. By using their classes and conditions you can set (all the same ones as available for AI packages) you could achieve somewhat of what you're looking for I think.

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Dancing dolls? lol That sounds awesome, thats something I'd love to see!

Yeah dude it's pretty trippy when you get them all dancing and you walk around...

and i found that simply setting the scale in the console wouldn't stick, so i added a scripted disease that shrinks them and checks the scale on the update...if the scale is not as it should be, the script shrinks them back down...did the same thing with growth so i can also make statues...


@Striker879 i'll have to look into that...i was thinking of scripting an object to cast a spell so that it checks for an object, and if it returns a 1 starts a random idle...this way you can add an item into the doll's inventory so that the script won't run on the pc...i kinda don't want to make it so that it adds something to individual ai packages because i want it so you can make any npc into a doll...though i wonder is it possible to add a script to my spell that adds an ai package to the doll?

Edited by jonny11890
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Can't give any advice on a scripted solution ... waaay above my pay grade.


That mod I linked doesn't do anything to the player character ... it works on NPCs only using class and other AI condition variables. There is a similar mod that works on just the player character, which served as inspiration/source material for Xtudo (at least that's how it reads to me from the mod description).

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