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Multiple Player Characters


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Here is quite possibly the most revolutionary mod ever, or even most revolutionary gaming feature for RPG's. Imagine being to play multiple characters in the same world, not at the same time though. You could switch between your different character's whenever you like, and while you're playing as one character, the other(s) would exist as NPC's. This could allow to see the direct results of your character's choices from the eyes of another, things you might not see as a single player character. What's more you could develop some truly deep characters. Should they ever cross paths, your player characters could interact in any number of ways depending on how you developed them yourself. What I had in mind was system that would track your characters' stats, personality, morality, dialogue choices, and play styles and as an NPC, the character would behave similarly, like in dialogue and fighting style for example. This could let you see just what your character is like from the eyes of another. You could be an arrogant bastard and not even know it. Potentially you could have your other player characters as followers, or even as enemies if it comes down to it. The characters, and story, would essentially develop themselves.

Forgive me I was unclear, the idea I had fleshed out in my head really was an amazing development for the genera of RPG's.

Edited by LordSarcasm
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That would be a mod I would take without waiting! I already did that a bit manually as in, I created a NPC that has my appearance, stats, spells and so on, dropped it at the last place I played and start a new game.


Of course having them freeroam the area and randomly encounter them fighting a dragon or other enemies on the road or sitting in a Inn eating, or even see them exit the house you had purchased (making it impossible for you to purchase that specific home) would be sweet.

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I like this idea!


I've read alot of character back stories and a lot of 'em are amazing.

Imagine if we could encounter those characters as NPC's (followers/enemies/neutral) except they aren't Dragonborn so it wouldn't conflict with the Dragonborn's story

They could go around the world and interact with stuff and maybe the Dragonborn could encounter them during his/her travels, on the road, or maybe even outside a dungeon. :D


Voice Acting


This would probably take a lot of work but it's definitely gonna breathe life into Skyrim :D

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That would be a mod I would take without waiting! I already did that a bit manually as in, I created a NPC that has my appearance, stats, spells and so on, dropped it at the last place I played and start a new game.


Of course having them freeroam the area and randomly encounter them fighting a dragon or other enemies on the road or sitting in a Inn eating, or even see them exit the house you had purchased (making it impossible for you to purchase that specific home) would be sweet.


That is exactly what I had in mind! :biggrin: It would make the world more dynamic because one of your character's actions would affect your other characters.

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