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Stuck in place after Fast Traveling


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I have over 155 mods installed and when I fast travel, most specifically to Dragonsreach I get stuck in place and can't move, reload, save or anything. I have to ctrl-alt-delete to get out of it. Does anyone know of any mod that might cause this issue? It would be a daunting task on Easter to sit and read through hundreds of pages of text to maybe find the problem.


Thought I would ask you guys if you know of a mod that might do this to me?



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I don't know of any mods that have caused this problem off the top of my head, but if you could answer a few things for me, someone on here might be able to help.

1. Could you post your current load order?
2. Have you cleaned all your mods using TES5Edit?
3. Are you using BOSS to correctly sort your load order?
4. Which version of skyrim are you using?
5. Which version of SKSE(if you have it) are you using?

Edited by Azakiel
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I don't know of any mods that have caused this problem off the top of my head, but if you could answer a few things for me, someone on here might be able to help.


1. Could you post your current load order?

2. Have you cleaned all your mods using TES5Edit?

3. Are you using BOSS to correctly sort your load order?

4. Which version of sky rim are you using?

5. Which version of SKSE(if you have it) are you using?

Ok not to sound like a newbie or anything but how do I post a load order from NMM? I am taking its not that easy to do but it doesn't appear to be a simple copy/paste. Thanks

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Post your BOSS log instead (with the messages). Download and run BOSS. Include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS and enclose them all in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen.

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Ok well I did some extensive gameplay testing this afternoon and I am left pretty upset that its looking like I am going to have to reinstall the game again. I unchecked esps in the NMM 5 at a time till I found the culprit file, thought I had it so I reloaded with them check and everything else unchecked and sometimes it worked other times it didn't.


So in the end I basically just had the skyrim, update, DG and DB esms checked marked, went back in stood at Riverwood like usual and fast traveled to Dragonreach and I was able to move BUT every few steps I ran into an invisible wall and my character would stutter. I talked to the Jarl till he got to the part where you follow him to Farengar and he and Farengar would just stare at each other with no conversation between them. Farangar would tell me the Jarl would be in the throne room lol.


So anyways, I with my limited knowledge of using mods, I am thinking there is some kind of script problem going on. So if you have any other suggestions or recommendations let me know. Its sad because I read every mod page install instructions and load orders, use the latest version of skyrim, BOSS, use TES5Edit to see additional errors and clean master files. I just don't know what happened this time, I'm just glad it did this now and not 100 hours in.





2Ripple, Thanks for your instructions on posting the Boss log, I'll do that on further problems

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Many users have reported that the Balgruff/Ferengar 'scene' fail to trigger in their game. There are dialogue options that will trigger when certain conditinos are met, thus allowing you to circumvent the 'bug.' Those conditions are based on your character's skills. There is one for alchemy, one for enchanting, and one for one of the schools of magic I can't recall right now. If your character has 25 or higher in one or more of those skills, the conditions will be met.


If you are going to reinstall the game and your mods, I recommend you install mods using the Mod Organizer. MO does not install mods directly into the game data folder, so you will never have to reinstall the game and uninstalling mods will never leave 'orphan' loose files in the game data folder.

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  • 1 month later...

I have this problom,But I dont have 155 mods installed,It happened to me with no mods installed at all,And yes msot common to this is Dragonsreach.But I think its justa game problom.


EDIT:I think I found out WHy thios may happen,but not totally sure.I think if you ahve a quest going to Dragonsreach and must enter for a quest,This may happne,This happens to me mostly.But its just a thought

Edited by Saiyan17
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  • 1 month later...

I have over 155 mods installed and when I fast travel, most specifically to Dragonsreach I get stuck in place and can't move, reload, save or anything. I have to ctrl-alt-delete to get out of it. Does anyone know of any mod that might cause this issue? It would be a daunting task on Easter to sit and read through hundreds of pages of text to maybe find the problem.


Thought I would ask you guys if you know of a mod that might do this to me?



I fixed this by deinstalling "Coloured Map Markers". Delete \Data\Interface\map.swf if there is still one.

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