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SKSE help asap


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Hello everyone im currently in a situation to where i think i goofed up pretty bad but thats my opinion.Anyways here is my situation.

I downloaded SKSE and zipped it and everything. i was following gophers vid and i copied the data file over to my skyrim folder. when i did that the skse launcher.exe didnt pop up but i followed the his other method by making it into a mod. I didnt undo the data file i copied and pasted and activated the mod. Regardless the launcher.exe didnt show up. so i figured i unistall the whole game and redownload. Heres my situation i need your help on when i overwrite my files, will the data file i copied still be there, or can i just delete the skyrim folder from the commom files in steam and it should be replaced when i redownload the game right? or did i completely mess up my game.

Edited by Rokreon
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You could not find the lancher for Skse? You need to make a shortcut for it. If you installed Skse correctly it is in the same folder as the standard lancher. As for your reinstalling the game from scratch. I would first make copies of the stuff leftover after uninstalling to a backup folder. Then I would let the game overwrite to its heart's content. Or, after backing everything up, I would delete the Skyrim folders from my Steam folders and let the game install clean. Then reinstall what you what you want in your game. I would test the game to make sure it runs at several points while reinstalling my MODs so that you can catch any other issues that might be MOD related.

Edited by YorYenrac
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