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I fixed my Dawnguard Runtime Error !


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I fixed my Dawnguard Runtime Error !!!


Well today i figered out what was coursing the Microsoft Runtime Error/Crashes. Reslulution is simple somting what moust peoples forget to do well I totaly forgot it self lols. the thing is the Microsof Runetime is Unstable on motherboards whats 2011 and older they moustly just support directx 9 or 10 and they orginaly 32 bit. to fix this Runetime error install Direcx 11 and make sure u have the newst version for ur grafic card and all windows updates then UPDATE YOU MOTHERBOARD BIOS newer drivers then 3.3.2012 what supports direcxt 11 if u have windows 7 64 bit makes sure they are 64 bit wersion. now have played Dawnguard 12 hours not a single runetime error . :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Only 12 hours? You do know that that error randomly hits somewhere between 10 to 100 hours playing time, right?


That error comes from the fact that Skyrim is unstable junk code that they've obviously never seriously audited. Notice how no other game gives you that error. To fix it, we just need to wait for Bethesda to hire someone how can actually do their job for a freaking change.

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That error comes from the fact that Skyrim is unstable junk code that they've obviously never seriously audited. To fix it, we just need to wait for Bethesda to hire someone how can actually do their job for a freaking change.


Yeah people have been waiting for for that for over a decade.


Odd played Bioshock 2 the other day and got a runtime error. Meh no worries. 1 BSD, 1 CTD, and 1 stopped responding froze screen in 2 hours so Skyrim ran much better lol.

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